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Union Myths

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  • #46
    Originally posted by 4.6coupe View Post
    The Elevator Union is the same way... and we deserve every penny we make. If anybody else was on the other side of the fence making what we make and have all the health benefits, nobody else would be griping either. To each his own.
    And if you were on this side paying for all those benefits, you'd be griping.
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


    • #47
      The Trash Pickup Union is the same way... and we deserve every penny we make. If anybody else was on the other side of the fence making what we make and have all the health benefits, nobody else would be griping either. To each his own.

      The Grocery Union is the same way... and we deserve every penny we make. If anybody else was on the other side of the fence making what we make and have all the health benefits, nobody else would be griping either. To each his own.

      The Toll Booth Union is the same way... and we deserve every penny we make. If anybody else was on the other side of the fence making what we make and have all the health benefits, nobody else would be griping either. To each his own.

      The Baptist Preacher's Union is the same way... and we deserve every penny we make. If anybody else was on the other side of the fence making what we make and have all the health benefits, nobody else would be griping either. To each his own.

      The Walmart Greeter's Union is the same way... and we deserve every penny we make. If anybody else was on the other side of the fence making what we make and have all the health benefits, nobody else would be griping either. To each his own.


      • #48
        Alot of little dick jealousy going on here. So lets add some fuel to the fire. My union dues cost me 90 bucks a month. For that $90 I get a job with a 6 figure income that takes an act of congress to fire me. I might as well be a supreme court judge. On top of that my healthcare package is valued at 24k a year. It only cost me $20 to have a baby. We pay that at the first Dr. visit and dont pay another penny till the baby is 6 months old. On top of that my prescription plan pays for baby formula. How kickass is that.

        Come on fellow union brothers post up how good you got it and lets hear some more crying. To all the cry babies. If you cant beat em join em why dont you apply for a union job.


        • #49
          Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
          that takes an act of congress to fire me.
          You don't see an issue with that, at all?


          • #50
            Originally posted by Slowhand View Post
            You don't see an issue with that, at all?
            Lol thats nothing. On the railroad we have job insurance. It pays us if we screw up and get suspended. I make $360 a day everyday Im suspended up to 6 months. Talk about a paid fucking vacation. How do you like them apples.


            • #51
              Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
              But drastically overpaying their employees?
              This is the problem I have with the anti union side of the argument. Who dictates what the "right pay" is and what to consider "over paid"? Before you say "the job market" consider what I say. I have alot of issues with unions but one thing that I still see them doing as positive is keeping pay up across the board. I posted on the other board a while back and Al and myself went back and forth on it but my point was, love them or hate them, unions in some way dictate your starting pay.

              If you have two buisness's across town doing the same thing and one is union and "over paying" their employees to keep the union happy then guess what the other buisness has to do to keep employee's? Keep their pay competative or risk loosing their employees.


              • #52
                That is exactly what I'd say, I'm afraid. Just like the gold standard should dictate what money is worth, the job "standard" should be dictated by what the job is worth. I'm sorry (wait no I'm not) that all those union blue collar joes did not go to school and get a degree that commands higher pay. But thats nobody's fault but theirs. I don't care what your situation is, anyone with a mind to can force their way through it. So yeah, I don't have much of an opinion of whiny, overpaid, blue collar joes. And the store across town wouldn't have to be raising their pay in order to compete if the unnecessary, outdated union wasn't around. But even after all this, I still wouldn't mind unions one bit if it weren't for all the corruption and greed that most of them stand for. I got no problem with someone standing up for workers. Just like I got no problem with theoretical socialism. Its applied socialism that I can't stand.

                Theory and application are often a night and day difference. What is your opinion of unions when they get too big for their britches and end up making a company close down? Now instead of making some pay, everyone that worked there makes no pay. And now instead of 1 person getting fired for something, everyone just lost their job. Unions may do some good, but in the end their bad for the company, and bad for society. They remind me of smoking. Momentarily gratifying, but its going to catch up with you.
                Last edited by SMEGMA STENCH; 03-21-2011, 09:38 AM.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
                  Alot of little dick jealousy going on here. So lets add some fuel to the fire. My union dues cost me 90 bucks a month. For that $90 I get a job with a 6 figure income that takes an act of congress to fire me. I might as well be a supreme court judge. On top of that my healthcare package is valued at 24k a year. It only cost me $20 to have a baby. We pay that at the first Dr. visit and dont pay another penny till the baby is 6 months old. On top of that my prescription plan pays for baby formula. How kickass is that.

                  Come on fellow union brothers post up how good you got it and lets hear some more crying. To all the cry babies. If you cant beat em join em why dont you apply for a union job.
                  My entire family is covered under my insurance for 20 bucks a quarter. And I don't pay union dues. Come on man, tell me, do you think the military should unionize and strike for better pay?

                  Oh, and my son being born ran me 25 bucks total for a C section.
                  I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by StanleyTweedle View Post
                    That is exactly what I'd say, I'm afraid. Just like the gold standard should dictate what money is worth, the job "standard" should be dictated by what the job is worth. I'm sorry (wait no I'm not) that all those union blue collar joes did not go to school and get a degree that commands higher pay. But thats nobody's fault but theirs. I don't care what your situation is, anyone with a mind to can force their way through it. So yeah, I don't have much of an opinion of whiny, overpaid, blue collar joes. And the store across town wouldn't have to be raising their pay in order to compete if the unnecessary, outdated union wasn't around. But even after all this, I still wouldn't mind unions one bit if it weren't for all the corruption and greed that most of them stand for. I got no problem with someone standing up for workers. Just like I got no problem with theoretical socialism. Its applied socialism that I can't stand.

                    Being union means your uneducated? There are ALOT of jobs here that are union that require degree's and pay accordingly.

                    And of course you completely lost the point of what I was saying. Your absolutley right, the store across town would not have to raise their pay if there wasnt a union store across town. Now imagine what would happen if all unions suddenly disappeared and pay across the board went down dictated only by the employer and the federal minimum wage standard. Do you think you would pay less for those cars and other goods that made by unions? LMAO, yeah I dont think so either. So now you have people across the board making less money and prices of goods are staying rock solid. Can you imagine what would happen to the economy? Its a downward sprial and anyone who says otherwise is living a fairy tale.

                    As far as corrupt, you hit on one of many gripes I have with unions. They have become corrupt and they do protect the lazy.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
                      Alot of little dick jealousy going on here. So lets add some fuel to the fire. My union dues cost me 90 bucks a month. For that $90 I get a job with a 6 figure income that takes an act of congress to fire me. I might as well be a supreme court judge. On top of that my healthcare package is valued at 24k a year. It only cost me $20 to have a baby. We pay that at the first Dr. visit and dont pay another penny till the baby is 6 months old. On top of that my prescription plan pays for baby formula. How kickass is that.

                      Come on fellow union brothers post up how good you got it and lets hear some more crying. To all the cry babies. If you cant beat em join em why dont you apply for a union job.

                      dude, get a fucking grip. you work for the railroad. you cant be this large of a pompous ass in person can you?

                      god bless.
                      It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                        My entire family is covered under my insurance for 20 bucks a quarter. And I don't pay union dues. Come on man, tell me, do you think the military should unionize and strike for better pay?

                        Oh, and my son being born ran me 25 bucks total for a C section.
                        You pay less than I do for insurance and Im union, am I still evil?


                        • #57
                          I can be tried for war crimes and locked up without trial while they figure things out. Not evil, but your union is
                          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                            I can be tried for war crimes and locked up without trial while they figure things out. Not evil, but your union is
                            well I appreciate you differentiating me from my union, something most are not able to do.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Lason View Post
                              Being union means your uneducated? There are ALOT of jobs here that are union that require degree's and pay accordingly.

                              And of course you completely lost the point of what I was saying. Your absolutley right, the store across town would not have to raise their pay if there wasnt a union store across town. Now imagine what would happen if all unions suddenly disappeared and pay across the board went down dictated only by the employer and the federal minimum wage standard. Do you think you would pay less for those cars and other goods that made by unions? LMAO, yeah I dont think so either. So now you have people across the board making less money and prices of goods are staying rock solid. Can you imagine what would happen to the economy? Its a downward sprial and anyone who says otherwise is living a fairy tale.

                              As far as corrupt, you hit on one of many gripes I have with unions. They have become corrupt and they do protect the lazy.
                              Ok I'm sorry I should have said the vast majority are uneducated, but then you have a few that are not. We both know who we're talking about here. Yeah there are a lot of unioners out there that have to go to school. But how many compared to all the rest of the union jobs? Most of them are just common laborers who want something they don't really deserve. I guess I'm not really against someone who has an education making higher pay. But day laborers are just that: fucking day laborers. No one ever has, or ever will, care about their lot in life cause they're generally the ones that put themselves there.

                              As for companies charging what they can get... welcome to business. If they can get $25k for that car that a $15/hour worker made, then good for them. That is what makes our world go round. What do you have against businesses making a nice profit? Why do you think they even exist? To provide people with good paying jobs? Haha yeah right. You're on your own in this life, there is nobody that owes you a fucking thing. The sooner you realize that, the better off you'll be.
                              Last edited by SMEGMA STENCH; 03-21-2011, 10:21 AM.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
                                We have to compete with a million trucking companies that are willing to haul freight for pennies on the dollar and pay slave wages to their drivers. So no its not a walk in the park. Also railroads have to pay for their own infrastructure and not ride the coat tails of the general public like truckers do. This year my company is spending 3 billion on infrastructure.
                                Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
                                Alot of little dick jealousy going on here. So lets add some fuel to the fire. My union dues cost me 90 bucks a month. For that $90 I get a job with a 6 figure income that takes an act of congress to fire me. I might as well be a supreme court judge. On top of that my healthcare package is valued at 24k a year. It only cost me $20 to have a baby. We pay that at the first Dr. visit and dont pay another penny till the baby is 6 months old. On top of that my prescription plan pays for baby formula. How kickass is that.
                                Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
                                Lol thats nothing. On the railroad we have job insurance. It pays us if we screw up and get suspended. I make $360 a day everyday Im suspended up to 6 months. Talk about a paid fucking vacation. How do you like them apples.
                       wonder people would rather ship by truck. Every "extra" you earn adds to the operating costs of the business.
                                "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey

