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Union Myths

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  • #16
    Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
    Lol thats a matter of opinion. But ill bet money ur job is just like mine. Where the work is easy but they dont pay me for the work I do. They pay me for the life I give up while Im at work.
    We might both be overpaid, but I went out and got mine. I didn't let some group go get it for all of us out here. The pay difference of the people out here is amazing, but it also remarkably reflects what they bring to the mission as well.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Denny View Post
      We might both be overpaid, but I went out and got mine. I didn't let some group go get it for all of us out here. The pay difference of the people out here is amazing, but it also remarkably reflects what they bring to the mission as well.
      Thats nice but my industry doesnt have a choice since its pretty much law that we are union with the railroad labor act, Presidental boards, and fela act. Also since I risk being charged with manslaughter everytime some idiot decides to drive around crossing gates or they decide to commit sucide by train. I sleep better knowing the union will protect me if the railroad decides to sell me out.


      • #18
        Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
        Thats nice but my industry doesnt have a choice since its pretty much law that we are union with the railroad labor act, Presidental boards, and fela act. Also since I risk being charged with manslaughter everytime some idiot decides to drive around crossing gates or they decide to commit sucide by train. I sleep better knowing the union will protect me if the railroad decides to sell me out.
        I risk being charged with manslaughter everytime I move my car. Maybe I need a drivers' union to save me.


        • #19
          Originally posted by Denny View Post
          I risk being charged with manslaughter everytime I move my car. Maybe I need a drivers' union to save me.
          Dude, don't you know you aren't supposed to question union logic?


          • #20
            Originally posted by sc281 View Post
            Dude, don't you know you aren't supposed to question union logic?
            Maybe I need to join a forum posters' union as well. Gotta keep my bases covered.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Denny View Post
              Maybe I need to join a forum posters' union as well. Gotta keep my bases covered.
              Can we fight for the ability to use the word cracker? lol


              • #22
                Originally posted by mustangguy289 View Post
                Can we fight for the ability to use the word cracker? lol
                In between poon shots.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Denny View Post
                  I risk being charged with manslaughter everytime I move my car. Maybe I need a drivers' union to save me.
                  When was the last time you killed someone with your car and was the lead wittness at the trial. On top of that you have 6 lawyers telling you how to act and answer questions. Dont answer to fast because you will look like a smart ass but dont answer to slow cause than you look like a dumb ass.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
                    When was the last time you killed someone with your car and was the lead wittness at the trial. On top of that you have 6 lawyers telling you how to act and answer questions. Dont answer to fast because you will look like a smart ass but dont answer to slow cause than you look like a dumb ass.
                    I'm not the dumbass that has to worry about it. LMAO!

                    So... how many people HAVE you killed lately? Sounds like you need a union, maybe some driving lessons as well.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Denny View Post
                      I'm not the dumbass that has to worry about it. LMAO!

                      So... how many people HAVE you killed lately? Sounds like you need a union, maybe some driving lessons as well.
                      Im not the dumbass. Its the people that are trying to beat the train that are the dumbasses. Im the guy thats doing my job and wind up in the middle of it all.


                      • #26
                        So, answer the question... "Dont answer to fast because you will look like a smart ass but dont answer to slow cause than you look like a dumb ass."


                        • #27


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Shorty View Post
                            Ya, that too. LOL


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by FreightTrain View Post
                              Id lose 20k right off the top. A manager at my job pays 3x more for insurance than I do. Plus they have a 5k deductible per family member. Mine is zero.

                              He does address another big problem we have though. People can sue for too much. If you get hit by a fucking train, its your fault, the end. The law says that pedestrians (who are using a crosswalk) and trains always have the right of way. One you will kill, one will kill you. If you get out in front of a train, you don't deserve to live cause you should die for being that stupid. That is the way of the world. The blatantly stupid end up dead.

                              Same thing has caused most of our problems with healthcare costs. Too many people suing over something that they shouldn't have been able to sue over.


                              • #30
                                I work for Eagle Aviation Services. We are a contract maintenance company on American Eagle Airlines for AMR Corp who owns us, American Eagle Airlines, and American Airlines. Because we are not American Eagle and only do their maintenance we are not union like they are. I look at the American eagle employees that are union and my benefits are the same as theirs. Yes my pay is a little lower but I live in Abilene. I would expect someone living in Dallas to be paid more that me. It is more expensive to live there. I don't see any need for the union to be in aircraft maintenance. They are trying to get the union in here and by the grace of God we kept them out by like 20 votes.

                                What I don't think a lot of the people that voted for it isthat yes they can help fight for your job against some bullshit but if the employers paperwork is right and you have been late to work three times and it's documented the union has to agree to you being fired. Most all that voted for it would be fired quickly.

                                All that to say I'm against the union especially in public jobs.
                                Why put off till tomorrow what you can put off till the next day?
                                -Fred Sanford

