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Kansas Frito-Lay workers join growing strike wave of US workers

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  • Kansas Frito-Lay workers join growing strike wave of US workers

    i have friends that work for Frito Lay! They are not lying about those hours. fuck that suicide shift!!! 12 on 8 off and back to 12 hours again

  • #2
    It's a right to work! If you don't like it go get another job!!1


    • #3
      I typically walk into my first stop this time of year about 15 minutes until 6 and I work until dark everyday. My normal work week is six days per week but since the freeze ended I've been working 7 days a week. I don't really have any sympathy for people that complain about having a job when they are free to quit that job anytime they feel like it.
      Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


      • #4
        Frito Lay use to be one of the better companies to work for here in Dallas, did your route and went home. Over the years though a lot of fuckery went on and the hours changed and the pay got less. Same with Mrs Bairds and all the others, once they got bought out they went to shit. I don't get it, if I ran one of the big ass company's there would be fair sliding scale for pay. Somewhere down the road the top got greedy and tried to figure out how they could squeeze more of the bottom and now they are reaching a breaking point.
        Whos your Daddy?


        • #5
          Originally posted by kingjason View Post
          Frito Lay use to be one of the better companies to work for here in Dallas, did your route and went home. Over the years though a lot of fuckery went on and the hours changed and the pay got less. Same with Mrs Bairds and all the others, once they got bought out they went to shit. I don't get it, if I ran one of the big ass company's there would be fair sliding scale for pay. Somewhere down the road the top got greedy and tried to figure out how they could squeeze more of the bottom and now they are reaching a breaking point.
          Eventually they'll squeeze the bottom out entirely, as most of it will be automated. It's gonna be weird one day when giant companies have 60 people working for them, all at the HQ


          • #6
            Originally posted by kingjason View Post
            Frito Lay use to be one of the better companies to work for here in Dallas, did your route and went home. Over the years though a lot of fuckery went on and the hours changed and the pay got less. Same with Mrs Bairds and all the others, once they got bought out they went to shit. I don't get it, if I ran one of the big ass company's there would be fair sliding scale for pay. Somewhere down the road the top got greedy and tried to figure out how they could squeeze more of the bottom and now they are reaching a breaking point.
            oh for sure


            • #7
              Friend of my grandfather retired from the plant in Greenville back in the late 80's and seemed to make out alright.
              G'Day Mate


              • #8
                My MIL has worked for Frito for like 30ish years, took an early retirement from them and now still works there as a contractor basically doing the same thing. She's in the headquarters office though, not in a plant or on the road.
                Originally posted by stevo
                Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.



                • #9
                  The days of companies sharing profits to help their employee base are over and dead as the divide between the Executive class and the rest of the workers grows out of control.

                  I read articles talking about how even big partnership firms like the big accounting firms where "making partner" doesnt even matter as much any more because of how little they weight any non senior partner anymore has when it comes to profit sharing.

                  There is a growing problem with the disappearing middle class and its exploitation to serve both the ultra rich and pay for all the programs of the lower class and its going to ultimately destroy the way we have been living. If it keeps going, the only thing that will happen is everyone goes on universal income and then its all over.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 32vfromhell View Post
                    The days of companies sharing profits to help their employee base are over and dead as the divide between the Executive class and the rest of the workers grows out of control.

                    I read articles talking about how even big partnership firms like the big accounting firms where "making partner" doesnt even matter as much any more because of how little they weight any non senior partner anymore has when it comes to profit sharing.

                    There is a growing problem with the disappearing middle class and its exploitation to serve both the ultra rich and pay for all the programs of the lower class and its going to ultimately destroy the way we have been living. If it keeps going, the only thing that will happen is everyone goes on universal income and then its all over.
                    This is why I left corporate America and started my own company. I got tired of watching the top Principals in the firm drive their new Porsche, Ferarri, Bentley, etc. to work every year right after bonus time while I took my $1,500 bonus and thought "some day"...


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by 32vfromhell View Post
                      The days of companies sharing profits to help their employee base are over and dead as the divide between the Executive class and the rest of the workers grows out of control.

                      I read articles talking about how even big partnership firms like the big accounting firms where "making partner" doesnt even matter as much any more because of how little they weight any non senior partner anymore has when it comes to profit sharing.

                      There is a growing problem with the disappearing middle class and its exploitation to serve both the ultra rich and pay for all the programs of the lower class and its going to ultimately destroy the way we have been living. If it keeps going, the only thing that will happen is everyone goes on universal income and then its all over.
                      Disappearing middle class? Who do you think is buying all these mcmansions that they're building as quickly as they can get permits issued for the build? What income figure do you consider to be middle class?

                      Want to know the best way to get a chunk of the profit at the company you're working at? I'll tell you and it's very simple; buy stock in the company.
                      Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by 32vfromhell View Post
                        The days of companies sharing profits to help their employee base are over and dead as the divide between the Executive class and the rest of the workers grows out of control.

                        I read articles talking about how even big partnership firms like the big accounting firms where "making partner" doesnt even matter as much any more because of how little they weight any non senior partner anymore has when it comes to profit sharing.

                        There is a growing problem with the disappearing middle class and its exploitation to serve both the ultra rich and pay for all the programs of the lower class and its going to ultimately destroy the way we have been living. If it keeps going, the only thing that will happen is everyone goes on universal income and then its all over.
                        This is true for a lot of companies.

                        The other problem that I see a lot is that the old fucks at the top absolutely will not leave. They will work until they are 80 and have to be hauled out by the funeral home. I think the next big recession will cure a lot of this particular issue.
                        Originally posted by racrguy
                        What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                        Originally posted by racrguy
                        Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                        • #13
                          What's really a bigger deal is this new ESG credo these corporations are starting to implement. It has even infected the Oil and Gas industry. I got laid off from a company that I thought I would retire with. The company went through a lot of changes the last few years towards this type of future "outlook." It's all about getting those woke investors and bankers to give them more money so they can buy back stock with the empty promises they know they can't keep. By that time the guys at the top will be fatter as will their wallets. In hindsight I am better off as someone stated above I am in the process of starting my own thing and I control my own destiny so it worked out, but who would have thought? The oil companies are demonizing and gutting their own industry just so the people at the top can get a fat paycheck


                          • #14
                            Want to know the best way to get a chunk of the profit at the company you're working at? I'll tell you and it's very simple; buy stock in the company.[/QUOTE]

                            Guess you never heard of ENRON???
                            Natural law. Sons are put on this earth to trouble their fathers.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by 68RR View Post
                              Want to know the best way to get a chunk of the profit at the company you're working at? I'll tell you and it's very simple; buy stock in the company.
                              Guess you never heard of ENRON???[/QUOTE]

                              I sure did hear of Enron and I also followed the legal cases that sprouted out of Enron's collapse. Had regulators left Enron alone Enron would still be in business today and quite profitable.

                              Do you know anything about the criminal prosecution of Enron and its executives? It was completely made up. The prosecutor in the case was cited for fabricating evidence.
                              Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.

