We are the buyers of their goods. Without a consumer demand their factories are useless and the entire world is already saturated with their junk. If our demand goes away they will fall.
China sells rare earths at a loss to keep us from developing our own. This is a well know fact. Canada has more know reserves than China and once China tries to tighten up what they will sell it will make leaching rare earths from a few hundred years worth a mining till and manufacturing swarf that is piled up in the North East and Mid-West VERY profitable. This was already being done in the late 90s to early 2000s and is what made China drop their prices back then.
The US has moved manufacturing outside of China but not enough of it. We should move all of it.
China has been bending over backwards to gain access to resources in Africa because of their domestic shortages.
I never said that China is going to have a problem getting food from outside of their country. I said that they MUST get food from outside of their country.
China sells rare earths at a loss to keep us from developing our own. This is a well know fact. Canada has more know reserves than China and once China tries to tighten up what they will sell it will make leaching rare earths from a few hundred years worth a mining till and manufacturing swarf that is piled up in the North East and Mid-West VERY profitable. This was already being done in the late 90s to early 2000s and is what made China drop their prices back then.
The US has moved manufacturing outside of China but not enough of it. We should move all of it.
China has been bending over backwards to gain access to resources in Africa because of their domestic shortages.
I never said that China is going to have a problem getting food from outside of their country. I said that they MUST get food from outside of their country.