Sometime in June 2001, while browsing the Wall Street Journal, I stumbled upon an item on an inside page all the way at the bottom.??It was no more than 75 words in a box.??It covered a CIA security announcement concerning an incr...
It's odd that you bring this up. I was brainstorming last night and came to the conclusion that Trump should have the Navy track and destroy China's Boomers right now; like sink them in the next 5 minutes if possible. It would be easy to do today but not so easy if we wait. I do believe that China is weighing their options and considering war at this very moment.
Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.
Doesn't really look like it's a war they could win but hey, commies are usually pretty stupid. Looking at their track record, they might wanna quit while they're ahead.
I was also curious if trump would seize some kind of opportunity here.
I was also curious if trump would seize some kind of opportunity here.
You should look into what the US Navy is doing in the Caribbean and off the coast of Venezuela right now. There are seal teams ready to grab Maduro if his own people don't take him out soon.
You should look into what the US Navy is doing in the Caribbean and off the coast of Venezuela right now. There are seal teams ready to grab Maduro if his own people don't take him out soon.
Given how much Trump dislikes china, (I agree with him) maybe he'll take advantage of all this bigly. He already told the american companies in china to essentially come home or move to india. The way he said it, to me it came off like "or else". Like there was a time limit on it and then the pain was going to start. He could fuck them up with tariffs if he wanted to.
I haven't paid much attention to those Venezuelan clowns lately. In what way does their country going to hell affect us? I'm sure it does in some way, I just don't know how cause I haven't followed that like the china situation.
I haven't paid much attention to those Venezuelan clowns lately. In what way does their country going to hell affect us? I'm sure it does in some way, I just don't know how cause I haven't followed that like the china situation.
Former President of Venezuela Nicol?s Maduro Moros, Venezuela’s vice president for the economy, Venezuela’s Minister of Defense, and Venezuela’s Chief Supreme Court Justice are among those charged in New York City; Washington, DC; and Miami, along with current and former Venezuelan government officials as well as two Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (FARC) leaders,
As for the China connection most of the world's supply of the precursors for fentanyl, heroin and meth are Chinese produced. The Venezuelans may not be making the drugs but they are certainly acting as intermediaries to get things from China to the US via the cartels. Not to mention the massive amounts of weaponry they've bought over the years from Russia.
We may not be able to physically attack China or Russia but we can sure as hell kill their rats in our own back yard. Knock down Maduro and start making nice with the other big players and we won't need to trade with Europe and Asia anymore.
China does NOT want Trump to win in November. So if he does, it will be interesting, especially if we get all 3 Senate/House/WH back. If so, I fully expect an all out war Economically in the least. But I also fear all kinds of funny business and collusion with the Libs and their puppet Commies.
China does NOT want Trump to win in November. So if he does, it will be interesting, especially if we get all 3 Senate/House/WH back. If so, I fully expect an all out war Economically in the least. But I also fear all kinds of funny business and collusion with the Libs and their puppet Commies.
I’m starting to think this is true. It’s why the dems are so giddy too.
As for the China connection most of the world's supply of the precursors for fentanyl, heroin and meth are Chinese produced. The Venezuelans may not be making the drugs but they are certainly acting as intermediaries to get things from China to the US via the cartels. Not to mention the massive amounts of weaponry they've bought over the years from Russia.
We may not be able to physically attack China or Russia but we can sure as hell kill their rats in our own back yard. Knock down Maduro and start making nice with the other big players and we won't need to trade with Europe and Asia anymore.
That's the dream, not needing to trade with them anymore.