Originally posted by TX_92_Notch
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12-18, Battle Creek Michigan
✅ 20,202 voters identified (92.2% from MI)
✅ 15% haven’t voted in last four elections, WOW!
✅ 15% have voted in only one of the last four elections
✅ 17% Democrats
12-10, Hershey, PA
✅ 23,207 voters identified (82.5% from PA)
✅ 20% have only voted in 1 of last 4 elections (9% in zero)
✅ 20.3% Democrats
✅ 18% non-white
11-27, Broward FL rally:
✅ 31,177 voters identified
✅ 19% voted once or less in last 4 elections (8% in zero)
✅ 24% Democrat
✅ 27% Hispanic
This is from Brad Parscale's twitter feed, the Trump campaign manager.
He's using the data collected from rallies in ways the DNC hasn't even fathomed.
Edit: more rally data
11-5, Kentucky
✅ 27,285 voters identified
✅ 28% voted once or less in last 4 elections (14% in zero)
✅ 23% Democrat
✅ Nearly 100% from Kentucky
11-3, Mississippi rally
✅ 16,432 voters identified
✅ 24% voted once or less in last 4 elections (12% in zero)
✅ 27% Democrat
✅ 20% Black
10-18, Dallas Rally, and look at the voters identified
✅ 53,985 voters identified
✅ 12% have not voted in the last 4 elections
✅ 21.4% Democrat
✅ 11% Latino
How many people are the democratic front runners drawing? Elizabeth Warren allegedly drew 20,000 once in NYC, but that's NYC