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What if ?

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  • What if ?

    What if Barr (et al) is really looking into the coup attempt and is planning to bring indictments on Comey, Strzock,Brennan, etc.. ? The IG report has been held up for ?
    Is it possible this HARD push for impeachment right now is their "preemptive" maneuver ? So if Barr strikes, they say "oh, this is just Trump using Barr to get back at Dems for impeachment "...

    I'll only believe Barr is doing anything when I see proof. I can see half the nation believing any indictments related to the coup are just politically motivated.

  • #2
    Originally posted by dcs13 View Post
    What if Barr (et al) is really looking into the coup attempt and is planning to bring indictments on Comey, Strzock,Brennan, etc.. ? The IG report has been held up for ?
    Is it possible this HARD push for impeachment right now is their "preemptive" maneuver? So if Barr strikes, they say "oh, this is just Trump using Barr to get back at Dems for impeachment "...

    I'll only believe Barr is doing anything when I see proof. I can see half the nation believing any indictments related to the coup are just politically motivated.
    Everything this day and age is politically motivated. The “Patriot” Act weaponized the courts and intelligence communities for political means. Are you really surprised that Bush, Obama and now Trump are using this power? Power corrupts.


    • #3
      Bush is one of the worst potus' we've ever had because of the patriot act. I still remember some people here back in the day saying he was "a good man". ROFL!!


      • #4
        Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
        Bush is one of the worst potus' we've ever had because of the patriot act. I still remember some people here back in the day saying he was "a good man". ROFL!!
        Was it one of your multiple personalities?


        • #5
          Do you guys realize how many terrorist attacks have been thwarted directly from the surveillance latitude afforded by the Patriot Act?

          George Bush is a good man. He was heavily influenced by neo-cons like Cheney.

          He's actually a classy guy. He never made a comment about the Obama administration. All he does these days is sit around and paint.

          I learned a lot about him when he refused to watch the video of Hussein being hanged. He said he couldn't stomach it? The pressure put on you for a retaliatory response. Armchair quarterbacking is fun, but it's not real life.

          Can you imagine being a POTUS for only 9 months and having to deal with the largest terrorist attack in history on American soil.

          For those of you that thinks that Bush was a monster. Do more research. Try looking into Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld feeding him alarmist information. Well, when you're POTUS. You listen to your advisors. It's part of the how this works.
          Last edited by LS1Goat; 10-01-2019, 03:40 PM.


          • #6
            Originally posted by LS1Goat View Post
            Do you guys realize how many terrorist attacks have been thwarted directly from the surveillance latitude afforded by the Patriot Act?
            go on...
            Originally posted by Broncojohnny
            HOORAY ME and FUCK YOU!


            • #7
              I can agree that a Bush was a good ole boy in a terrible situation. None of that excuses the abuse heaped on American citizens by the Patriot Act though. Why do think Facebook and google give their data to the gov’t? Do you really think they have a choice? I can also agree Cheney and Rumsfeld wanted bad shit to happen. Power corrupts.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Nash B. View Post
                go on...
                About the same as the TSA has stopped.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Craizie View Post
                  About the same as the TSA has stopped.
                  Sounds about right to me
                  Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                  HOORAY ME and FUCK YOU!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
                    Bush is one of the worst potus' we've ever had because of the patriot act. I still remember some people here back in the day saying he was "a good man". ROFL!!
                    Bush is a genuinely decent and sincere man.

                    Originally posted by LS1Goat View Post
                    Do you guys realize how many terrorist attacks have been thwarted directly from the surveillance latitude afforded by the Patriot Act?

                    George Bush is a good man. He was heavily influenced by neo-cons like Cheney.

                    He's actually a classy guy. He never made a comment about the Obama administration. All he does these days is sit around and paint.

                    I learned a lot about him when he refused to watch the video of Hussein being hanged. He said he couldn't stomach it? The pressure put on you for a retaliatory response. Armchair quarterbacking is fun, but it's not real life.

                    Can you imagine being a POTUS for only 9 months and having to deal with the largest terrorist attack in history on American soil.

                    For those of you that thinks that Bush was a monster. Do more research. Try looking into Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld feeding him alarmist information. Well, when you're POTUS. You listen to your advisors. It's part of the how this works.
                    No amount of thorted terrorist attacks justifies the loss of freedom and the overreach of government that came about because of the Patriot Act.

                    I can very much imagine being the president for only nine months when the largest terrorist attack in history happens on my country. I would have probably killed a quarter billion people that day.

                    Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
                    I can agree that a Bush was a good ole boy in a terrible situation. None of that excuses the abuse heaped on American citizens by the Patriot Act though. Why do think Facebook and google give their data to the gov’t? Do you really think they have a choice? I can also agree Cheney and Rumsfeld wanted bad shit to happen. Power corrupts.
                    Bush is anything but a good old boy. He is a sincere and piercingly intelligent man.
                    Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by LS1Goat View Post
                      Do you guys realize how many terrorist attacks have been thwarted directly from the surveillance latitude afforded by the Patriot Act?

                      George Bush is a good man. He was heavily influenced by neo-cons like Cheney.

                      He's actually a classy guy. He never made a comment about the Obama administration. All he does these days is sit around and paint.

                      I learned a lot about him when he refused to watch the video of Hussein being hanged. He said he couldn't stomach it? The pressure put on you for a retaliatory response. Armchair quarterbacking is fun, but it's not real life.

                      Can you imagine being a POTUS for only 9 months and having to deal with the largest terrorist attack in history on American soil.

                      For those of you that thinks that Bush was a monster. Do more research. Try looking into Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld feeding him alarmist information. Well, when you're POTUS. You listen to your advisors. It's part of the how this works.
                      You serious Clark?!

                      Fuck the patriot act! Freedom is scary for some people I guess.

                      Bush is a bitch. Not as much of a bitch as Jeb though.

                      Removing Sadaam Hussein was a mistake. He was a terrible fucking guy but he kept things contained in Iraq. The removal of SH has caused more problems than any that may have been solved. Current issues with Iran’s control and influence in the area for example.

                      I can’t imagine being the American President and dealing with that. Don’t even want to. We are still fighting the “war” in Afghanistan. Patriot Act is the most repugnant thing to the constitution I can think of. We still haven’t paid for the TARP bailouts and the next economic disaster will be exponentially worse because of the BS Bush signed into law.

                      Monster or not, he surrounded himself with monsters his entire presidency. He sits around and paints just as I would, if I was a depressed and defeated man who’s presidency was a failure to say the least.

                      In case I wasn’t clear.... FUCK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE BUSH FAMILY.


                      • #12
                        SVO: Being a good ole boy, intelligent and sincere are not mutually exclusive. You can be all of the above. Example, T Boone P. You like to see everything as black and white in a world full of exceptions.

                        And I agree with all that the Patriot Act and TARP were both steaming piles of shit that are helping globalists destroy our country.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by SBFORDTECH View Post
                          Removing Sadaam Hussein was a mistake. He was a terrible fucking guy but he kept things contained in Iraq. The removal of SH has caused more problems than any that may have been solved. Current issues with Iran’s control and influence in the area for example.
                          Agreed, just like what Obama did to Libya. Some of the Middle Eastern countries need a firm dictator in control, corrupt or not, since it works out better for the rest of the world.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
                            I can agree that a Bush was a good ole boy in a terrible situation. None of that excuses the abuse heaped on American citizens by the Patriot Act though.
                            Fuck 'em. That's about the time you have to sack up and become even more terrible than the situation, towards the situation. And towards people standing in your way of getting it right. He was the potus, he should've acted like it. He never did. Just another bitch like okenyan and clinton, and would've been romney. Even if he was somehow "good", that's even worse. I take an even dimmer view of cowardice. Corporate overlords pressuring him? I guess they'd have to get told "sorry bout your luck"

                            ... Fuck em.

                            Originally posted by svauto-erotic855 View Post
                            No amount of thorted terrorist attacks justifies the loss of freedom and the overreach of government that came about because of the Patriot Act.

                            Originally posted by SBFORDTECH View Post

                            Fuck the patriot act! Freedom is scary for some people I guess.
                            Bush is a bitch.

