Has raised over $3 million in 3 days. It's a legit campaign for a legit triple amputee veteran with a verified Facebook.
More info on it in the link
I put in $100, and will do a lot more if Trump tweets about it.

Even if this goes nowhere, it makes a statement.
If people care about something, in this case immigration and the wall, enough that they are willing to raise many millions of dollars of their own money for it - and their government representatives STILL choose to ignore them - how long after that until We The People revoke our consent to be governed?
In the long run, I almost think it would be better if they did ignore it and us. It could turn out to be the establishment's "Let them eat frijoles" moment.
More info on it in the link
I put in $100, and will do a lot more if Trump tweets about it.

Even if this goes nowhere, it makes a statement.
If people care about something, in this case immigration and the wall, enough that they are willing to raise many millions of dollars of their own money for it - and their government representatives STILL choose to ignore them - how long after that until We The People revoke our consent to be governed?
In the long run, I almost think it would be better if they did ignore it and us. It could turn out to be the establishment's "Let them eat frijoles" moment.