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U.S Break Up... Call It Now...

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  • U.S Break Up... Call It Now...

    Based on another thread...

    U.S. Break up.... Will it happen?

    If so, Peacefully or Civil War 2?
    Won't Happen

  • #2
    The discussion on the matter.

    I give it 70/30 de facto/full on secession

    Originally posted by dcs13 View Post
    This is a pretty well educated and "engaged" group that reads and posts here regularly.
    Question for the group - Are you amazed or concerned about the lack of interest or knowledge of just how fucking bad this shit with the Russian investigation is ? The whole damn country should be totally off their rockers over this shit. This shakes the very foundation of this country. The corruption at the senior levels of these groups is crazy.
    Just seems like very few people have a truck understanding of how bad this is.
    Originally posted by sc281 View Post
    It's a soft coup, brother. A solid percentage of the country wants it to happen, by any means necessary. They want Trump out of office and this political movement crushed.

    This is just sausage being made, to them. Ends matter more than the means used to achieve them.

    I personally think the country will separate sometime in the next 20 years, perhaps by 2030, either in the traditional fashion of 3 or more countries being carved out - or in a Dr facto fashion.

    De facto meaning that there are still 50 states, but many of those will only pay lip service to Fedgov, and only when Fed law coincides with state law. Full autonomy, in practice if not in name. You'll see a yuuuge drop in fed tax revenue, as states keep more and more money in their own states.

    This leads to either fed bankruptcy or hyper inflation, a default on the national debt, and eventually multiple regional currencies in use that fed gov will accept for tax revenue for the things like collective defense and interstate highways so trade will still happen.

    I personally have no problem whatsoever with this. In a roundabout way it brings us back to the founding where state sovereignty was supreme and fedgov was kept in check.

    That's assuming the dem fed gov doesn't bring war on the states that don't practice their brand of "sovereignty", of course.

    We are already seeing a proto version of that now with weed, the "sanctuary state of California" among others.

    Or we could have our versions of Brexit, with states or groups of states seceding from the union.

    Either the republicans are able to elect another R after Trumps 2nd term, leading to the west and northeast coasts to assert full autonomy. Short of going to war, we won't be getting them back. I don't think we'll have the political will necessary to fight the aggressive war needed to do it.

    Or Dems manage to get elected again and go full authoritarian while they have power to try to prevent this ever happening again. This will force middle America and the southern and southeastern coasts to assert full autonomy. This WILL lead to war. No fucking way they let us go peacefully.

    The will we'll probably lack to fight the war of aggression needed in the first scenario will show up in spades to fight the defensive war of the 2nd.

    I'm personally okay with either, as long as we are given enough of Southern California to ensure the American Republic's Pacific Trade capability.

    Something akin to this:

    Or perhaps this

    Or perhaps this

    Originally posted by dcs13 View Post
    Im with ya brother. I believe the silent coup is afoot. We're at a tipping point. I hope it tips the right way. It just pisses me off to no end that all your hear about is the shithole comment. Nothing on this assault on the Republic.
    Guess what folks, Ive been to some of those places, They ARE shitholes. Damn snowflakes and their feelings..
    Originally posted by lowthreeohz View Post
    Why no love for VA? other than DC, this state is largely republican.
    Originally posted by sc281 View Post
    I'm cool with it.

    Let's have West Virginia too.


    • #3
      This is what things look like after 1 year of trump. After 7 more, there may be no more need for this conversation. He may set our opposition back 50 years. The reason they're losing their fucking minds, isn't for nothing. Its because he's ruining them.


      • #4
        My guess...


        • #5
          Gargamel, there are ZERO ports and very little infrastructure in the section of California you highlighted. That is very rough country.
          ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


          • #6
            Originally posted by YALE View Post
            Gargamel, there are ZERO ports and very little infrastructure in the section of California you highlighted. That is very rough country.
            If the ports\infrastructure were needed I'm sure they would be built\dredged\etc.

            There is already a portion of that area very against the prevailing left leaning folks in Sacramento... small segments have even called for a state breakup in the past...

            State Of Jefferson

            Also, this is just a shot in the dark over a large period of time and I'm hoping I'm just full of shit at this point.... No one in their right mind WANTS something like this to happen.

            If I had my wish many of these issues would be resolved by the Federal Government reigning itself in and letting the States flex the power given to them by the Constitution.

            I just don't see that happening.
            Last edited by Gargamel; 01-12-2018, 01:04 PM.


            • #7
              I don't know about a breakup, I think any revolt/civil war is going to be national. In every Dem state there are a LOT of hard working, 2A loving folks that are sick of being tread on too.

              Just read about the state I'm from (PA) essentially looking to do gun confiscation - but requesting surrendering of guns - for people that are going for medical marijuana. Pissing a lot of people off.
              Originally posted by MR EDD
              U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


              • #8
                I'd guess the whole Antifa thugs will grow in popularity if Trump wins a second term. I think their violence will grow until the govt has a spine to send in the National Guard and show them the 'good guys' aren't fucking around. Will it spiral into a full on revolt/civil war, I fucking hope not.


                • #9
                  I voted that it won't happen but I can't really say that for sure. A special prosecutor looking into the Clinton Foundation would probably redpill a lot of younger Americans.


                  • #10
                    I don't know what the US map will look like, but I am guessing that the roads that circle the DFW will look like a dick & balls. Wait.. they already do.

                    Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps.


                    • #11
                      Pipe dream, won't happen in our lifetime, and thinking otherwise is delusional. But hey, it gives ya'll something to do, so...
                      Originally posted by BradM
                      But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                      Originally posted by Leah
                      In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                        Pipe dream, won't happen in our lifetime, and thinking otherwise is delusional. But hey, it gives ya'll something to do, so...
                        Pretty much this. The only things that would trigger a civil war are a) US forces firing on civilians at an event/rally; and b) US forces taking firearms away from citizens on a widespread basis. Both of those would lead to public deaths that are uncalled for, and it would begin the war of the populus versus the government. I hope I'm not alive if that occurs.


                        • #13
                          Im afraid the country will just fall into bitter separation and nothing will get done. There will be more and more outright disregard for laws on the part of those in charge. The constitution will be shredded worse than Obama ever thought about.
                          Part of the problem is these snowflakes getting older. I know I sound like my parents, but damn, these kids are stupid. The have absolutely NO communication skills. Its all about instant gratification and me me me. They're such a pain in the ass when they dont get their way and its always someone else fault. Thats what I fear will be running this country right in to the ground.
                          Trump's administration will give us life for a while, If he can get substantive changes in place and restore the rule of law. Thats the biggest issue, no one follows the rules anymore because there are no consequences.
                          The depth of the "deep state" is worse than any of us thought. The power brokers thought they would be home free when hilary got elected. Its a daily tit for tat in DC right mow. I feel like Trumps people finally have the upper hand with all the stuff coming out now. But the deep state continues to fight. The FISA warrant was a total sham. If you look on the other thread, Ive said for months :somebody needs to review that affidavit and see what the probable cause was for the surveillance of Trump. Now that someone has, they know its all a lie. Heads need to roll and it should start with the cuffs on who's name is on that warrant. A warrant to surveil a Presidential candidate and a President elect is no small feat. Some rogue agent didn't draft and present that warrant . Top officials were involved, and they ALL knew the fusion GPS shit was a lie. They all are complicit with this "silent coup". That is treason.
                          The worst part of all this is the majority of the people in this country are clueless. Mostly because of the complicit media. A media that runs cover for these people by reporting on "shithole" comments and all the leaks coming out and ignoring the real stories. But, also, people are not engaged. They have lives and jobs and kids, etc. I understand that, this is the biggest threat to this country since its founding. I dont say that lightly .
                          Will the country survive ? hell, who knows at this point. These next few months will be the biggest tipping point in our countries existence. Lets hope it goes the "right" way..


                          • #14
                            Rather than add this to my comment, Im putting it here. This is one of the best articles Ive read lately. It speaks to what we are discussing.
                            We are witnessing a treasonous rebellion by leftist judges who are declaring the last election null and void. At the core of these traitors' arguments is the belief that the people do not have the right to express their views through the elect...


                            • #15
                              the key to our survival is the border and immigration . if this can be turned around we have a bright future. if not we will be the middle east. perpetual war with muslims . but i do see mass immigration from Europe in the future . they have moved past the tipping point and many will opt to come here to escape the shit hole it has become. if we can have mass deportations here we will get it back under control. and anyone who still thinks mexicans are the problem just aint paying attention. one look at Minnesota tells the tale .

