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Secret footage taken in an english muslim islamic school

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  • Secret footage taken in an english muslim islamic school


    This is what we are up against and our*
    leaders are not only allowing it they are actively covering it up. share
    the hell out of this as this was taken in just one of the 126 full time
    islamic schools in England (not including the rest of the UK or the*
    part time schools which number many more than the 126 full time schools)

    This is their nightmare video because it present proof of what their*
    agenda is and what they truly think of the west and the people in the west,*
    I dare any leftist wishy washy liberalist to defend this!

    This is the reality of islamic belief, and they will not stop until they control the world under Sharia Law.

  • #2
    They blow up so fast

    Originally posted by sc281 View Post
    Islam's demographic time bomb

    The new baby boomers


    • #3
      They had one thing right. We cannot live with them as one big happy family. Their religion/society is incompatible with ours and we must kill them; or at the very least not allow them into our country to kill us.

      I bet you won't see this video on any mainstream news sites. I wonder if Fox News will play it.


      • #4
        Keeping this around and if I can validate/etc certainly going to post it.

        To me there were no surprises. I want to know it's 100% legit for those who think these thoughts are BS and just made up. If there is any doubt about the video being real it'll just continue to feed that incorrect thought process.
        Originally posted by MR EDD
        U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


        • #5
          I’m sure the NSA has mic feeds from every Islamic church in the country, I’d love to hear what they have related to this
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          • #6
            Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
            They had one thing right. We cannot live with them as one big happy family. Their religion/society is incompatible with ours and we must kill them; or at the very least not allow them into our country to kill us.

            I bet you won't see this video on any mainstream news sites. I wonder if Fox News will play it.

            Texas did outlaw sharia. The entire concept is alien to me, and I can barely comprehend it. That they would have to outlaw anything at all. We already have laws, you break them and you get caught, you pay the price. You don't just get to say "Sorry, we have these other imaginary laws that we go by, and yours don't really apply to us." In what world is that even possible or considerable, by anybody.

            Get fucked. Go back to whatever unworthy filthy hellhole you came from and take your made up fake ass laws with you.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
              Texas did outlaw sharia. The entire concept is alien to me, and I can barely comprehend it. That they would have to outlaw anything at all. We already have laws, you break them and you get caught, you pay the price. You don't just get to say "Sorry, we have these other imaginary laws that we go by, and yours don't really apply to us." In what world is that even possible or considerable, by anybody.

              Get fucked. Go back to whatever unworthy filthy hellhole you came from and take your made up fake ass laws with you.
              Haha I know what you're trying to say but your delivery is funny. Our laws are just as made up as theirs. Ours are just based on a different moral code.

              But yes, never the two shall meet and agree.


              • #8
                I know a Muslim chick that was a nice girl, always very polite and cordial. Seems in the past 6 months her attitude is shifting. She is going full Kaepernick as of late. Demanding white folk condemn the actions of white extremists, while never addressing the savagery of her people. I'm not sure what changed, but I expect to see the worst.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by mstng86 View Post
                  Haha I know what you're trying to say but your delivery is funny. Our laws are just as made up as theirs. Ours are just based on a different moral code.

                  But yes, never the two shall meet and agree.

                  True but you go to some other country, and you know they have laws they expect you to abide by. This is common knowledge, they didn't come to america and arrive at empty land. And this isn't really a world of lawlessness, more like a world of laws. Now as we all know, some of those laws may be complete BS, some may not be enforced, and others may even be meant to essentially keep the people enslaved and downtrodden. But they are there, and anyone who has a functioning human brain knows they are there. Thus, to just come along and dismiss them and say they don't apply to you and that you're going to just abide by your own set of laws and disregard the laws of the land, is just asking for trouble. Lots of trouble, in many cases.

                  I know what you're saying, but its like just assuming you're looking at someone who is alive and walking around just fine, who doesn't have a functioning human liver in their body. Doesn't happen. Nor does it happen that you go to an established country, that doesn't have laws they expect to apply to you. The muslims got a shitload of 3rd world, backwards ancient retardery going on, but the primary concern is their rules on killing people. Key point being that its ok to do it under ridiculous circumstances. Like some woman in your family running off and marrying a non-muslim. Sure go ahead, kill her. No real big deal there, according to them. Same thing for non believers who don't see it their way. And seemingly, just about any other reason they feel like as long as they can loosely justify it from the words of their stupid book. I don't want to live near any such people. I don't want them anywhere near me. In fact, I don't want them in my country. GTFO.

                  Yeah here we call that murder, and so does just about everyone else who isn't an animal. If they want to be reduced to the status of mere beasts that's fine, but they're not going to do it here. The people that allowed muslims (and on a lesser scale even mexicans) into this country, had minds so open that their brains fell out. If the culture doesn't mix, it doesn't mix, and you shouldn't try to make it mix. They're not integrating, they're openly refusing to integrate. To clarify I perceive the latin countries to just have a largely peasant, poverty culture that they for some reason cling to. Also fine, as long as you don't expect any form or fashion of special treatment.


                  • #10
                    It's pretty ironic that even one of you believes this video might not be 100% real. It's more real than anything you will see in any news outlet. If you view these women as anything other than walking, talking and lying terrorist factories, you deserve the future coming to you.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                      I know a Muslim chick that was a nice girl, always very polite and cordial. Seems in the past 6 months her attitude is shifting. She is going full Kaepernick as of late. Demanding white folk condemn the actions of white extremists, while never addressing the savagery of her people. I'm not sure what changed, but I expect to see the worst.
                      Hope you have your LTC.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
                        They had one thing right. We cannot live with them as one big happy family. Their religion/society is incompatible with ours and we must kill them; or at the very least not allow them into our country to kill us.

                        Separation of church and state helps, but freedom of religion is something of a hindrance in this particular case. Should have specified only peaceful, non violent passive religion. That would be something to use to help run them all out and ban it here.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
                          Separation of church and state helps, but freedom of religion is something of a hindrance in this particular case. Should have specified only peaceful, non violent passive religion. That would be something to use to help run them all out and ban it here.
                          1st step, you need to realize Islam is not a religion.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
                            1st step, you need to realize Islam is not a religion.
                            Yeah I know, its a system of government. But I'd argue that its really both. Their government is integrated into their religion.


                            • #15
                              It's also a legal system. And knowing is half the battle.

