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Report: Charlottesville Racist Leader Was Former Occupy Activist, Obama Supporter
Likely put together to make Trump choose a side and dig a hole! He said Both sides were wrong and he is right! Anyone who went either side was looking for conflict. The president taking sides is only going to cause more divide! Which is what the left wants. And this statue bs is a joke. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you can remove it. They are material objects that have stood for years! Some like it some don't if you don't like it don't look! Flag hey you wanna fly confederate or some nazi shit great this is America. I'll probably say hey look at the dumbass with the flag but it's your right! Fly it who cares! I urge minorities to look FORWARD and quit living in the fucking past!! You cant change it the shit happened MOVE ON! Very difficult to drive walk or anything else while your constantly looking back! Quit worrying about some bull shit our ancestors did! And last GET A FUCKING JOB! If you were working for America you would be too fucking tired to stand in the street and look like an idiot! And everybody at CNN should be fired! What a joke that one sided station is! SAD
Originally posted by dcs13 View PostI have tried to post that link on my Facebook page and it blocks me. Tried 5 times, opened new browser..Still won't let me post.
Anyone else have this issue ? Maybe its blocking breitbart.. Fucking left is fucking up this world.