Maybe. But as a party they have postured themselves as the coalition against proud, straight, law abiding, moral, working-class white men so I don't see how I would ever vote for one.
When the government pays, the government controls.
rules for radicals . read this and it all becomes clear where they are headed.
single payer is the first step to socialism along with other types of dependence . then disarmament and dominance .
why do you think they want to flood the country with dependents ? why would they bring in thousands with no skills ?
Absolutely, it goes in cycles. Democrats may also surprise us someday and actually put forth a somewhat acceptable nominee.
It won't be in 2020. I think they're going to go far left with a Sanders like candidate. Even someone like Cory Booker will probably be too moderate for the party at that point.
rules for radicals . read this and it all becomes clear where they are headed.
single payer is the first step to socialism along with other types of dependence . then disarmament and dominance .
why do you think they want to flood the country with dependents ? why would they bring in thousands with no skills ?
Dems need dependents they can keep down. If you don't need a handout, you don't need a democrat.
It won't be in 2020. I think they're going to go far left with a Sanders like candidate. Even someone like Cory Booker will probably be too moderate for the party at that point.
Watch Obummer change his gender preference to female or one of the other 634 genders besides male, change his name to Betty Soetoro and get elected as the first black female POTUS.
Imagine a powerhouse ticket featuring both the Wookie and Chelsea as running mates, they could easily swap roles as incompetent POTUS and incompetent Vice-POTUS.