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Who funds Black Lives Matter anyway?

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  • #2
    According to the article, the top 3 are Ford $18.3M, California Endowment $13.3M, and George Soros(Soros Fund) $12.4M.
    01 red GT - 745whp/780wtq Whippled 4V and built 4R75W


    • #3
      based on the first part of that article before it went all "weaponize autistic" it clearly states that "black lives matter" does not exit. much like i say about "isis".

      you guys are crying over a hashtag ...

      let that sink in


      • #4
        Black Lives Matter, the movement, has been thrown into the trash heap of yesterday's news where it belongs.


        • #5
          it was never news for an intelligent being. it was a hashtag that took off over night by internet sensationalism, much like #pizzagate, #kony, #selfie. you thank people like sc281 and jizzwhistle for spreading that dumb shit like wildfire.
          THE BAD HOMBRE


          • #6
            Originally posted by naynay View Post
            it was never news for an intelligent being. it was a hashtag that took off over night by internet sensationalism, much like #pizzagate, #kony, #selfie. you thank people like sc281 and jizzwhistle for spreading that dumb shit like wildfire.
            Similar to you regurgitating "news" from a source named The Sun? The kind of rag not so intelligent beings peruse while waiting in the checkout line with their Lone Star cards.


            • #7
              i posted it from sean hannity
              THE BAD HOMBRE


              • #8
                No, you first regurgitated it from The Sun followed by a second regurgitation from Sean Hannity when ridiculed over it. Ouch!


                • #9
                  well, it was regurgitated from somewhere before i did it, so either hannity is spreading fake news, our 'the sun' is spreading fake news, fwiw, i was originally on the hannity site looking at something else, i clicked a second link from hannity and it opened in the sun. i posted that, you whined like a bitch, i went and pushed the back button, and wallah! the hannity link.

                  so you tell me, who is regurgitating fake news?

                  see exhibit A:

                  see exhibit B:

                  so remind me again where i get the BS news from
                  THE BAD HOMBRE


                  • #10
                    I am having a hard time accepting the fact that i just had to explain to you how an internet browser works.
                    THE BAD HOMBRE


                    • #11
                      surely someone out there cares for the king and will send him a PM to tell him i unravel him every time. he is just slightly less retarded than anthony and brian if you put those twos mental capacities together.
                      THE BAD HOMBRE


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by naynay View Post
                        based on the first part of that article before it went all "weaponize autistic" it clearly states that "black lives matter" does not exit. much like i say about "isis".

                        you guys are crying over a hashtag ...

                        let that sink in
                        Please explain. Pretend you're talking to The King.


                        • #13
                          about the hashtag?

                          FRSO/BLM organizations are generously supported by wealthy foundations. Some, like those employing BLM founders Garza and Tometi, receive money directly.
                          these two chicks single handedly started this sensationalism but taking to twitter one night and creating a dumb hashtag.. had they simply added a 'too' to it, the alt-right wouldnt even be a thing anymore.

                          is alt-right a thing? do you identify with it? or is it something you see on the internet and it gets sensationalized by a bunch of guys like you me and sc281 who do nothing but sit around and read what the dumbasses of the world are doing.

                          have you been to a #MAGA rally? i've never been to a #BLM rally.

                          When boko haram kidnapped all those girls it was all that could be talked about for 2-3 weeks, over 170 girls are still held captive but you havent heard a peep about it over 2 years.

                          #kony2012 was SENSATIONAL for 2 weeks, 5 years ago, did it ever get resolved? no the loon that started the entire hastag campaign ended up wigging out standing naked on a street corner showing himself to the public and was arrested.

                          just saying man, for a normal black dude, #BLM is stupid ass hell too. They dont speak for me, and i dont speak for them, the type of dumb shit to go protest anywhere anyway, albeit i may consider a friend or comrade, it is no where you will find me. and i heard there was some good bud at the #Occupy meet n greets.

                          I did my best to offer some content but im sure it will be dismissed since you dont want to hear it to begin with.

                          THE BAD HOMBRE


                          • #14
                            THE BAD HOMBRE


                            • #15
                              I appreciate that response, seriously. I agree on all counts (on things I am aware of anyway). I wouldn't have asked if I didn't want to know.

                              However BLM has the perception of a real organization, asks for money, shows up when they have something to gain, etc. Whether they actually have a mailing address really doesn't matter. They also accept money from anyone that wan't to give. It's 'real' enough.

