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Exempt from Obamacare...

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  • Exempt from Obamacare...

    Here is an intitial list that are exempt from healthcare.

    I think everyone including our beloved politicians should share in the joy of extorted medicine.

  • #2
    WOW the fact that FedEx isn't exempt just proves how bullshit this is. I have never seen anyone with insurance as good as I had it there.


    • #3
      The laws of pick and choose are upon us.


      • #4
        What defines why an organization is exempt? Strictly based on political donations?


        • #5
          You think that shit is bad? Get a load of this.

          HotAir is the leading conservative blog for breaking news and commentary covering the Biden administration, politics, media, culture, and current elections.

          Health Care Reform Group Gets Waiver from… Health Care Reform?

          But in one of the truly delicious bits of irony discovered while browsing the list of those seeking asylum from the health care overhaul, I discovered the name of New England Health Care. No, it’s not an insurance company. It’s a policy institute. Let’s dig into their mission statement a bit and see what they’re all about, shall we?

          Founded in 2002, the New England Healthcare Institute – known as NEHI – is a nonprofit, independent health policy institute dedicated to transforming health care for the benefit of patients and their families.

          So an institute dedicated to finding ways to reform the health care system had to apply for an exemption from the administration’s reforms to the health care system? Keep your eyes on the news next week, as I’m fairly sure that the heads of some immigration reform lobbying groups will be deported.


          • #6
            Big unions, big insurance companies, and politicians. What does that tell you? Anyone that can contribute big money to the democratic party, can file for a waiver and opt out. 111 waivers so far (from 30 last month!), and the list will continue to grow as the true cost of that monstrosity comes to light.

            Average Joe (middle class on down) will be stuck with that burning pile of camel dung.


            • #7
              What ever happened to equal protection under the law? If the law was applied to one race and not another, everyone would be screaming.
              class joke
              char Forrest, Jenny, Momma, LtDan;
              double Peas, Carrots;
              string MommaAlwaysSaid(const bool AddAnyTime = True)


              • #8
                Originally posted by SlowLX View Post
                WOW the fact that FedEx isn't exempt just proves how bullshit this is. I have never seen anyone with insurance as good as I had it there.
                I think most of the insurance for the companies seeking the waiver is crappy to begin with.


                • #9

                  I prdeict there will be a lot of people gettin killed over this health care bullshit.

