why dribble down the court if you're not gonna take the shot? why did he even bring it to the table?
It's called posturing. I'm sure everyone always submits the worst possible bid they would accept on every project that goes to bid. Why do you think this is any different? Oh, I remember. Because you're a liberal turd who buys into the MSM and thinks it's all Trump's fault. Maybe you'll forget that Ryan spoke out against Trump or that Ryan is almost a wolf in sheep's clothing. Those that know the truth and not what MSM feeds you know that Ryan is in the hot seat. Those of us that want a super conservative government the way our founding fathers envisioned love it. We're sitting patiently watching Obama's legacy action circle that toilet bowl you so wonderfully installed. Just keep sitting around and wait for President Trump to call you and say, "Shitter's full!"
To me, the bigger question is why does the government need to be involved in health care in the first place? It should be an open market and up to individuals if they want insurance or not. They should weigh the risks, shop for rates and coverage, and then for care facilities. There are care centers out there like Texas Scottish Rite that are completely funded and do not charge patients. Let facilities be funded how they choose and charge what the market will allow them to charge. It will make its own corrections.
The only thing that the government should be involved in with health care is requiring immunizations for certain things for anyone in public school.
THIS right here. I think the ACA needs to be scrapped, altogether.
You would never get any work if you did submit bids, that much i know.
You really are ignorant. You can't even pick up the joke. I work in the construction industry and know all about bids. Keep on posting your garbage. We'll all continue to feel sorry for you.
Speaking of dribbling down the court, I did catch the last minute and 15 seconds of the UK vs UNC game yesterday. It's the only bit of a NAACP tourney game I've seen this year, but it was a good ending to stumble upon.