The funny thing is that in a heartbeat white people will throw white trash under the bus for doing white trash bullshit but blacks will defend niggers to their last breath no matter how ridiculous it makes them look.
The funny thing is that in a heartbeat white people will throw white trash under the bus for doing white trash bullshit but blacks will defend niggers to their last breath no matter how ridiculous it makes them look.
That just means whitey ain't true fam, yo. Real talk.
The funny thing is that in a heartbeat white people will throw white trash under the bus for doing white trash bullshit but blacks will defend niggers to their last breath no matter how ridiculous it makes them look.
If you are speaking in a generalization then please demonstrate that by telling us your thoughts about Trayvon Martin.
pretty sure i have made it a point to not talk about trayvon on this message board. If you can show me where i have then i will review it.
but alas, you were speaking in a general matter about blacks speaking out for blacks, when i can tell you that i for one speak for no man. how outraged do you think the black community was when kanye and steve harvey were seen coming out the elevators with Trump? we have a different code. no one speaks for us.
If you are speaking in a generalization then please demonstrate that by telling us your thoughts about Trayvon Martin.
i'll go on record and say, a domestically battered 30 year old man got his ass whooped by a 16 year old black kid (craizie i know), and had to use a gun to defend himself. By law he was acquitted of the crime, and should have faded into the distance, but he is an idiot and is still trying to ride that wave. His fate will end up much like OJ Simpson, the black guy that killed those white people.
so was oj.. and the stigma never left. then what he got 15 years for taking back his own football jersey? zimmerman keeps fucking around and he's gonna get his card pulled either by a jury or by someone who is more compassionate than trayvon than me.
so was oj.. and the stigma never left. then what he got 15 years for taking back his own football jersey? zimmerman keeps fucking around and he's gonna get his card pulled either by a jury or by someone who is more compassionate than trayvon than me.
I think you're jealous since you've never been able to capitalize on your own shitbaggery. Your only legacy is a piece of shit non-running junk pile of a truck your mom bought you which is sitting in the weeds in front of your aunt's house that you live in.
Instead of the Hovering Turdball I now dub thee, Fakenews Fucktard.
I think you're jealous since you've never been able to capitalize on your own shitbaggery. Your only legacy is a piece of shit non-running junk pile of a truck your mom bought you which is sitting in the weeds in front of your aunt's house that you live in.
Instead of the Hovering Turdball I now dub thee, Fakenews Fucktard.
I own plenty of stuff that doesn't have my name on it and at any given time I have a few project cars taken apart. I am sure that Rodney is pretty much the same it that regard.
Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.