Tell your weirdo FB friends to kick this around their echochambers for a while

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Over one million Iranian women protest the law that will force them to wear a headscarf and Islamic dress
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While women throughout the Muslim world currently fight to remove the headscarf, American women are promoting the headscarf. Are they being foolishly guided by subversive organizations?

Women’s March towards Islam?
Due to the time difference here in Egypt, I had to stay up all night for three nights to watch the pre-inauguration, inauguration, and post inauguration activities. Many thousands of Egyptians did the same. Every coffee shop with a satellite dish was packed to the maximum. Egyptians were enthralled and impressed by the peaceful process, but also the pomp and circumstance.
The coffee shop roared loudly with cheers when Trump said "radical Islam will be eradicated from the planet". We here in Egypt have experienced many terror attacks and all of us have experienced the death of a friend or family member who were members of the Army and who fight ISIS on a daily basis.
On the third night, as we settled in at the coffee shop, anticipating another exciting night of informative news, we instead sat in silence and horror.
First we saw protesters smashing windows and torching cars.
Hushed murmuring began all around me as every single Egyptian in the coffee shop could be heard saying the words: “Muslim Brotherhood”.
The images we were watching could have been taken right from a street in Egypt. It is exactly what we had experienced on a daily basis for more than a year.
Before 2012, the year the Muslim Brotherhood took power in Egypt, no one would ever think of damaging someone’s car or business. Egyptians work hard to feed and support their families. It was unheard of to see someone deliberately smash someone else’s car or shop and hinder their ability to feed their family.
But mobs of Muslim Brotherhood would “protest” in the streets, ripping apart public and private property and disabling normal activity -- just as we were now watching on TV. Some of the “protesters” even covered their faces in the exact same way the Muslim Brotherhood do.
Compounding the upsetting visuals of violence was the police appearing in a quasi-helpless state. Again the words “Muslim Brotherhood” were mumbled throughout the coffee shop. The Muslim Brotherhood had disabled our police force via accusations of police brutality long before the violent protests began.
Via a well-calculated program of propaganda and lies, they were able to make the police force impotent. Police became afraid to stop the protests for fear of being accused of brutality. But how do you stop violence without a bit of violence in return? You can't! Their plan worked and the violent protests continued.
During the last two weeks, 29 police officers have been killed in Egypt. Once the Muslim Brotherhood put this idea of “police brutality” into place, police officers became fair game and are killed on a regular basis. Before 2012, killing a police officer was absolutely unheard of.
Then on the TV we began to see video of the “Women’s March”.
The entire coffee shop gasped in disbelief at the vision of American women donning the headscarf. And worse, some of the headscarves were made of the American flag.
Even in Egypt, Muslim women do not desecrate the Egyptian flag by wearing it as a headscarf. You do not wear the national flag as clothing. It would be a desecration of what the flag stands for: National Identity, the Constitution (which Egyptians fought hard for in 2013), and, the Armed Forces who protect and serve us.
The women in the coffee shop began to get visibly agitated. One said, “We have been fighting to remove the headscarf, why are these stupid women putting them on?”

It was explained on TV that the "Women’s March" was based on "a Civil Rights platform". The women in the coffee shop shook their heads and asked, Rights? "The headscarf will take away your rights!” one young woman shouted at the TV.
The Grand Mufti of al-Ahzar, the highest authority of Sunni Islam, announces periodically that the headscarf is not a religious requirement. Furthermore, anyone who has read the Quran or studied Islam knows this to be true. Though most everyone knows this, women continue to be forced to wear one.
And here, in front of our eyes, were non-Muslim, American women donning the headscarf!
In Muslim countries such as Egypt, women who do not wear a headscarf are often sexually harassed or attacked. They are beaten; they are raped; and sometimes, they are killed. In 2012, when the Muslim Brotherhood took power, there were several attacks on Christian women on trains. They were grabbed, their hair chopped off, and they were pushed off the fast-moving train. They were told they must wear a headscarf -- even though they are not Muslim.
Any country in which the headscarf is imposed, women always suffer from abuses and restrictions.
In Egypt, many men buy motorcycles rather than cars in order to save money. It’s quite common to see a husband, wife, and a few children all on the same motorcycle. But the women always ride side saddle. Why? Because Egyptians have been told by imams that a woman who straddles the motorcycle will become out of control with lust and will have sex with many men. Women know this is untrue, but if they straddle the motorcycle, they know they risk being mob attacked and raped.
In Iran, it is against the law for women to ride bicycles for same reason.
ISIS and al-Qaeda in Syria have made it law that women cannot sit on chairs. The men who made this law say the chair will stimulate the woman’s vagina and make her out of control with lust. They say the law was created “to protect men”. Men will become tempted to sin by an “out of control” woman; therefore, women must be restricted as to what they can sit on.
In parts of Sudan it is against the law for a woman to wear pants, even loose fitting trousers. The crotch of the pants may throw her into a spiral of lust and she may tempt a man to sin. In 2012, as the Muslim Brotherhood were gaining full control in North Africa, including Sudan, one woman was executed for wearing trousers.
Once these types of restrictions are implemented, there is no return to normalcy or common sense.
In most Muslim communities, even Muslim communities in America, the headscarf eventually leads to the full veil because the headscarf leads to the belief that women easily become sexually “out of control”, or, they become too "tempting". But ironically, once veiled, women are then seen as “hiding their sexuality” and this seems to arouse Muslim males.
Two studies in Saudi Arabia found that once veiled, young girls are then seen as sexual and this sexualization of young girls results in a rise in rapes: 25% of veiled girls between ages 6 and 12 had been sexually abused in some manner; and, 82% of veiled girls between ages 12 and 14 had been raped.
This is what American women should be protesting.

Photo Above:
Over one million Iranian women protest the law that will force them to wear a headscarf and Islamic dress
Photo Below:
While women throughout the Muslim world currently fight to remove the headscarf, American women are promoting the headscarf. Are they being foolishly guided by subversive organizations?

Women’s March towards Islam?
Due to the time difference here in Egypt, I had to stay up all night for three nights to watch the pre-inauguration, inauguration, and post inauguration activities. Many thousands of Egyptians did the same. Every coffee shop with a satellite dish was packed to the maximum. Egyptians were enthralled and impressed by the peaceful process, but also the pomp and circumstance.
The coffee shop roared loudly with cheers when Trump said "radical Islam will be eradicated from the planet". We here in Egypt have experienced many terror attacks and all of us have experienced the death of a friend or family member who were members of the Army and who fight ISIS on a daily basis.
On the third night, as we settled in at the coffee shop, anticipating another exciting night of informative news, we instead sat in silence and horror.
First we saw protesters smashing windows and torching cars.
Hushed murmuring began all around me as every single Egyptian in the coffee shop could be heard saying the words: “Muslim Brotherhood”.
The images we were watching could have been taken right from a street in Egypt. It is exactly what we had experienced on a daily basis for more than a year.
Before 2012, the year the Muslim Brotherhood took power in Egypt, no one would ever think of damaging someone’s car or business. Egyptians work hard to feed and support their families. It was unheard of to see someone deliberately smash someone else’s car or shop and hinder their ability to feed their family.
But mobs of Muslim Brotherhood would “protest” in the streets, ripping apart public and private property and disabling normal activity -- just as we were now watching on TV. Some of the “protesters” even covered their faces in the exact same way the Muslim Brotherhood do.
Compounding the upsetting visuals of violence was the police appearing in a quasi-helpless state. Again the words “Muslim Brotherhood” were mumbled throughout the coffee shop. The Muslim Brotherhood had disabled our police force via accusations of police brutality long before the violent protests began.
Via a well-calculated program of propaganda and lies, they were able to make the police force impotent. Police became afraid to stop the protests for fear of being accused of brutality. But how do you stop violence without a bit of violence in return? You can't! Their plan worked and the violent protests continued.
During the last two weeks, 29 police officers have been killed in Egypt. Once the Muslim Brotherhood put this idea of “police brutality” into place, police officers became fair game and are killed on a regular basis. Before 2012, killing a police officer was absolutely unheard of.
Then on the TV we began to see video of the “Women’s March”.
The entire coffee shop gasped in disbelief at the vision of American women donning the headscarf. And worse, some of the headscarves were made of the American flag.
Even in Egypt, Muslim women do not desecrate the Egyptian flag by wearing it as a headscarf. You do not wear the national flag as clothing. It would be a desecration of what the flag stands for: National Identity, the Constitution (which Egyptians fought hard for in 2013), and, the Armed Forces who protect and serve us.
The women in the coffee shop began to get visibly agitated. One said, “We have been fighting to remove the headscarf, why are these stupid women putting them on?”

It was explained on TV that the "Women’s March" was based on "a Civil Rights platform". The women in the coffee shop shook their heads and asked, Rights? "The headscarf will take away your rights!” one young woman shouted at the TV.
The Grand Mufti of al-Ahzar, the highest authority of Sunni Islam, announces periodically that the headscarf is not a religious requirement. Furthermore, anyone who has read the Quran or studied Islam knows this to be true. Though most everyone knows this, women continue to be forced to wear one.
And here, in front of our eyes, were non-Muslim, American women donning the headscarf!
In Muslim countries such as Egypt, women who do not wear a headscarf are often sexually harassed or attacked. They are beaten; they are raped; and sometimes, they are killed. In 2012, when the Muslim Brotherhood took power, there were several attacks on Christian women on trains. They were grabbed, their hair chopped off, and they were pushed off the fast-moving train. They were told they must wear a headscarf -- even though they are not Muslim.
Any country in which the headscarf is imposed, women always suffer from abuses and restrictions.
In Egypt, many men buy motorcycles rather than cars in order to save money. It’s quite common to see a husband, wife, and a few children all on the same motorcycle. But the women always ride side saddle. Why? Because Egyptians have been told by imams that a woman who straddles the motorcycle will become out of control with lust and will have sex with many men. Women know this is untrue, but if they straddle the motorcycle, they know they risk being mob attacked and raped.
In Iran, it is against the law for women to ride bicycles for same reason.
ISIS and al-Qaeda in Syria have made it law that women cannot sit on chairs. The men who made this law say the chair will stimulate the woman’s vagina and make her out of control with lust. They say the law was created “to protect men”. Men will become tempted to sin by an “out of control” woman; therefore, women must be restricted as to what they can sit on.
In parts of Sudan it is against the law for a woman to wear pants, even loose fitting trousers. The crotch of the pants may throw her into a spiral of lust and she may tempt a man to sin. In 2012, as the Muslim Brotherhood were gaining full control in North Africa, including Sudan, one woman was executed for wearing trousers.
Once these types of restrictions are implemented, there is no return to normalcy or common sense.
In most Muslim communities, even Muslim communities in America, the headscarf eventually leads to the full veil because the headscarf leads to the belief that women easily become sexually “out of control”, or, they become too "tempting". But ironically, once veiled, women are then seen as “hiding their sexuality” and this seems to arouse Muslim males.
Two studies in Saudi Arabia found that once veiled, young girls are then seen as sexual and this sexualization of young girls results in a rise in rapes: 25% of veiled girls between ages 6 and 12 had been sexually abused in some manner; and, 82% of veiled girls between ages 12 and 14 had been raped.
This is what American women should be protesting.