Why not a border fence made of Wall? It's a border! Why does everybody act like being deported is being thrown down into the lava of a volcano? It's a disappointing thing to have to give back a million dollars if you stole it and get caught, too. But it was a given from the start this could happen...its like the Great Clown Scare of 2016 all over again--everyone is freaking out the children. It was a risk to break into a foreign country undocumented. Thwarting that will save innocent lives. Deporting people is like throwing briar rabbit back into the briar patch (people love their country of origin). Foreign born children raised here have foreign nationals for parents and family in their countries of origin. We have 40 million people living among us who do not enjoy the rights nor responsibilities of citizenship...that's not fair to them, its oppression, and its not fair to the unconcenting Americans who end up paying for it in taxes, waiting lines at hospitals, waiting in traffic, auto accidents with no insurance, failing infrastructure, Medicaid, foodstamps, education, rising insurance costs, and general demand...Face it 40M...its 40 cities of a million people a piece! I hope the federal government reimburses Texas our additional billion dollars we spent defending our border with Mexico while the shittiest president on record....Obama....golfed and funded the terrorists who want to cross it. And God bless Latinos....a people with spirit and heart. I respect their right to guard their nations as well. I'm fairly certain the US and Mexico should have defeated the cartel by now....but Obama just let 4 cartel members go, so hard to tell who's who on that deal. Make Mexico Great Again---joint effort to eliminate the cartel and bring back Mexico's prosperity and infrastructure. Then passport free travel again!
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