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Ads in two dozen cities offer protesters up to $2,500 to agitate at Trump inaugural
Originally posted by Craizie View PostThe left blow my mind. They want to start a war against all the people that own the evil guns they hate so much. Does not compute.Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.
I'm remembering back how stressed a number of us were when Obama appointed all those czars and threatened to fine the medically uninsured using the IRS! Curse word. Doing this, he made it a crime to be poor! Then he went on an apology tour, showing what the rest of the would perceive as weakness. Meanwhile hes done nothing to curb our debt....its runaway to ruin instead..itll be years of higher healthcare premiums to shore back up hundreds of millions in losses on the health insurance front too. Don't forget his mass amnesty, albeit temporary, but it still encourages more of the same. He has turned his back on Israel, our ally, and shown more preference for Islam. And as he turns to walk away, in a parting remark, he says he regrets not taking away our gun rights?!? And as for the 1st, he is currently making it a law the press must only have government approvedish news stories....attacking independent news. No biggie just a couple from the bill of rights there, but that's just ancient him. Obama wanted a legacy? He lit up the white house like rainbows and purple but honkr veterans? Nah. Mentioned himself 75 times in his gtfo speech. I'm so pissed...but Trump...can't believe how relieved I am to see that orange mother. The lefties are just wired different. How else can you explain it? How could you vote knowing this .002% I've listed? I wish somebody would. You can't talk to the hillary berns or they get weird, you know? My oldest only read Animal Farm because I made her. It wasn't part of the curriculum anymore. We likely have a generation unaware. /rant
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A man protesting President-elect Donald Trump has been taken to hospital after he tried to set himself on fire outside the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., just days before the businessman takes office.
Originally posted by SBFORDTECH View PostA man protesting President-elect Donald Trump has been taken to hospital after he tried to set himself on fire outside the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., just days before the businessman takes office.
Originally posted by SBFORDTECH View PostA man protesting President-elect Donald Trump has been taken to hospital after he tried to set himself on fire outside the Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C., just days before the businessman takes office.
Originally posted by CWO View PostThe guy behind all of this was just on Tucker Carlson.
Going by Dom Tullipso
More fake news
I don't know who his intended troll targets were, left or right, but WELL FUCKING DONE.
Last edited by sc281; 01-17-2017, 11:35 PM.
Originally posted by svauto-erotic855 View PostI would love to get paid and then start knifing everyone on the bus ride to DC. Being white I assume that I would be expected to sit in the back of the bus and that would be a tactical advantage.
Might make a lot more, if you mugged as many of the other protesters as you could. I'm sure a great many of them would be stupid enough to be carrying their $2500 on them, in cash.WH