I work in transportation have for many ,many years ..
Maybe I'm being a little dark but, we have a invading army and no one even knows it .
Many moons ago, every truck driver was a normal , hard working 30ish to 50ish , mostly white group , when the economy tanked in 2007/08 10's of 1000's of those types of guys, had no freight to haul, transportation business's collapsed , last time I checked in 2010 .. 24,000 MC#s had been turned in . they were out of work
Got so dismal, I stopped looking
Well, today, the transportation industry is back on its feet, we are busy but, just about every driver / "dispatcher" I deal with is Russian, pakistani, middle eastern,etc. now, some of them are good fellas but most are freaking dirt bags, they lie, cheat , undependable, overreact at the moment something does not go right ..
if what they did in Germany is a start , I feared this forever, we have 1000's of them in 18 wheel bombs in American right now
maybe they are all just hard working people trying to make a nickle too
Maybe I'm being a little dark but, we have a invading army and no one even knows it .
Many moons ago, every truck driver was a normal , hard working 30ish to 50ish , mostly white group , when the economy tanked in 2007/08 10's of 1000's of those types of guys, had no freight to haul, transportation business's collapsed , last time I checked in 2010 .. 24,000 MC#s had been turned in . they were out of work
Got so dismal, I stopped looking
Well, today, the transportation industry is back on its feet, we are busy but, just about every driver / "dispatcher" I deal with is Russian, pakistani, middle eastern,etc. now, some of them are good fellas but most are freaking dirt bags, they lie, cheat , undependable, overreact at the moment something does not go right ..
if what they did in Germany is a start , I feared this forever, we have 1000's of them in 18 wheel bombs in American right now
maybe they are all just hard working people trying to make a nickle too