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That's two Texas Electors not voting for Trump

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  • #16
    How does one become a member of the electoral college?
    G'Day Mate


    • #17
      Originally posted by Grimpala View Post
      How does one become a member of the electoral college?
      I was wondering this myself...

      What are the qualifications to be an elector? The U.S. Constitution contains very few provisions relating to the qualifications of electors. Article II, section 1, clause 2 provides that no Senator or Representative, or Person holding an Office of Trust or Profit under the United States, shall be appointed an elector. As a historical matter, the 14th Amendment provides that State officials who have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the United States or given aid and comfort to its enemies are disqualified from serving as electors. This prohibition relates to the post-Civil War era.
      Originally posted by stevo
      Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.



      • #18
        Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
        Fact is, this is legal, and the framers of the constitution did not mandate electors vote for who they were told to. So the question is, should each state pass laws mandating they do? Should there be an amendment at the federal level to change that?
        It might be legal, but the nation is a powder keg and they're playing with fire. With all the talk of the election being rigged, and the "insurmountable odds", if anyone other than Trump is in the white house, they're likely starting a civil war.
        Last edited by JC316; 12-07-2016, 06:21 PM.


        • #19
          Originally posted by bird_dog0347 View Post
          That might be something fun to chase. Would be cool to be an elector.
          G'Day Mate


          • #20
            Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
            I don't disagree with that, however it is not much different than the rest of our representatives lying about shit and not actualy representing us once in office. Fact is, this is legal, and the framers of the constitution did not mandate electors vote for who they were told to. So the question is, should each state pass laws mandating they do? Should there be an amendment at the federal level to change that?
            There should be a federal law mandating that they discharge their duties in keeping with the popular vote of their state, or face significant fines and jail time. They are deliberately corrupting the representative democratic process, and should be taken to task over it. Elected officials not representing the will of their constituency? Vote them out.
            Originally posted by JC316 View Post
            It might be legal, but the nation is a powder keg and they're playing with fire. With all the talk of the election being rigged, and the "insurmountable odd", if anyone other than Trump is in the white house, they're likely starting a civil war.
            Yep. I consider what they are doing tantamount to subversion, and possibly treason. I would not shed a tear if they were at the receiving end of an angry mob.
            "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


            • #21
              OK, so in reality we really just have one faithless elector thus far. But let's play this out a bit for the sake of dreaming/speculation. Let's say at least 38 electors decide they are not voting for Trump. There is no requirement or guarantee they would have to vote for Hillary or anyone else that was on the ballot.

              Assuming no one has 270 electors, it is up to the House to decide who is President at that point. In that process, each State gets ONE VOTE. The Congressmen/women from each state decide how that vote will go. If those representatives split or cannot give a majority to a candidate, then that state loses it's vote. For example: If Texas has 10 congressmen, five of which vote for Hillary and five for Trump, then Texas wouldn't get to vote for the Presidency.

              But putting that aside, if we just go by the the states that Trump and Hillary won, then Trump will easily win since Hillary only took 19 states. In fact, Hillary would lose a few states like Colorado and Nevada where there are Republican majorities.

              In the end, Trump would still win.

              The only thing that could totally screw it up for him is if House Republicans started voting for Hillary or looking at a 3rd candidate. They can only pick from people that were voted on by the electors, so if this guy picked Kasich, then members of the House could potentially vote for him.

              If they screw this up (highly unlikely but so was Trumps chances on year ago) then that might be the final straw and all hell breaks loose.


              • #22


                • #23
                  JEB SURGE!!!


                  • #24

                    Suprun signed a pledge last summer to support the Republican nominee.
                    He lied.

                    Suprun is a #NeverTrumper.
                    His Twitter timeline is littered with fellow #NeverTrumper gibberish.

                    Now this…
                    If you look at Chris Suprun’s Twitter page you can clearly see that he is using Megaphone Strategies as his PR firm.

                    Megaphone Strategies was founded by far left activist Van Jones.
                    It’s mission is “to use use PR as a tool to diversify progressive movements.”


                    • #25
                      CNN interview where he promises to cast vote for Trump.



                      • #26
                        Once a piece of shit liar, always a.......


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by blownragtop View Post
                          CNN interview where he promises to cast vote for Trump.

                          I would like to know what really happened between then and now. Not the BS reasons he told the Associated Press. Somehow over a mere three week period he became so disillusioned with Trump that he's going to disavow the democratic process. Truth be told, he's probably just a big 'ol coward. Because there where probably some not so thinly veiled threats made in some of those "many letters and emails" he's received since Nov. 8

                          Yet another Republican turncoat creating more division in already volatile situation. What an incredibly small minded douche bag. Can't see the forest for the trees applies here. He needs to follow Sisneros' example and just resign. All I can say at this point is Jan 20th can't come soon enough.

                          And his comments on voting for Kasich is even more asinine considering...

                          "I am not a candidate for president and ask that electors not vote for me when they gather later this month. Our country had an election and Donald Trump won." Kasich wrote in a statement posted on Twitter. "The country is divided and there are certainly raw emotions on both sides stemming from the election. But this approach, as well meaning as it is, will only serve to further divide our nation, when unity is what we need."

                          “The election is over,” he continued. “Now is the time for all of us to come together as Americans.”
                          Last edited by LS1Goat; 12-07-2016, 10:04 AM.


                          • #28
                            He is nothing but a liar and fraud. From Last night


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by otrtruckpro View Post
                              He is nothing but a liar and fraud. From Last night

                              Wow. Not only lied about his involvement in 9/11, but also his employment history.

                              So much for the vetting process. Apparently, there is none. What a attention seeking scumbag.


                              • #30
                                Seems that paramedic that refuses to vote for Trump is a fraud.

                                DALLAS - UPDATE: Responding on Reddit today, Chris Suprun said he worked as a firefighter in Dale City, Virginia on September 11, 2001. But there's no listing for Dale City on his publicly available and comprehensive LinkedIn résumé. In September 2001, according to Suprun's LinkedIn résumé, he was employed by the Manassas Park, Virginia fire department. Suprun also does not list being a firefighter in Dale City, Virginia on a recent lengthy seven-page paper résumé, which WFAA obtained. Neither Suprun nor his public relations firms have responded to WFAA since this story was first published.

                                The Republican elector who has gotten national attention for refusing to vote for Donald Trump at the Electoral College on Dec. 19 was apparently not a first responder on September 11, 2001 as he has stated for years and has a questionable career history, according to an investigation by WFAA.

                                Chris Suprun, 42, portrays himself as a heroic firefighter who was among the first on the scene after the third plane flew into the Pentagon on 9/11.

                                In a heavily-publicized editorial this month for the New York Times, Suprun stated that as a member of the Electoral College he will not cast his ballot for Trump because the president-elect “shows daily he is not qualified for the office.”

                                Suprun, a Dallas resident for more than a decade, even used his résumé to establish credibility in the Times piece, writing in the second paragraph: "Fifteen years ago, as a firefighter, I was part of the response to the Sept. 11 attacks against our nation."

                                He has founded a nonprofit called Never Forget and state records show he is a licensed paramedic -- but much of the rest of résumé, publicly available on LinkedIn, is questionable.

                                In addition, on at least two occasions over the last couple years at crowded Major League Baseball games, Suprun has been introduced as a 9/11 veteran before throwing out first pitches.

                                "He claimed to be a first responder with the Manassas Park [Virginia] Fire Department on September 11, 2001 and personally told us stories 'I was fighting fire that day at the Pentagon.’ No, I was on a medic unit that day at the Pentagon and you make a phone call to Manassas Park and you find out that he wasn't even employed there until October 2001,” said a first responder who knows Suprun and only agreed to speak about him if his identity was concealed.

                                The City of Manassas Park confirmed to WFAA that it hired Suprun on October 10, 2001, one month after the 9/11 attacks.

                                The fire chief there added that his department never even responded to the Pentagon or any of the 9/11 sites.

                                "It's no different than stolen valor for the military; dressing up and saying 'Hey, I earned a Purple Heart' when you weren't even in combat.' There's a big difference between shopping at Old Navy and being a Navy SEAL," said the first responder who knows him.

                                But Suprun's résumé raises even more questions.

                                It shows he was, at the time this story aired on WFAA, a paramedic with Air Methods air ambulance service. But Christina Brodsly, a spokeswoman for that company, said he is not an employee there.

                                Suprun also claims to currently be a paramedic with Freedom EMS in Dallas. But records from the Texas Department of State Health Services indicate there's no such company. A firm with that name used to exist in Houston, but it went out of business in 2008, according to DSHS.

                                Turns out, federal court records show Suprun has spent the last five years in bankruptcy while his résumé says he was working. He even collected unemployment during part of it, court records show. Suprun was just released from bankruptcy supervision this month.

                                He never responded to multiple emails from WFAA and calls to his telephone go to a recording which says his voicemail is full.

                                Two public relations firms he has hired – Megaphone Strategies and Fenton Communications – responded to our requests for an interview saying: “Suprun's schedule is jammed packed.”

                                His story raises a bigger question, though. How are presidential electors chosen? And more importantly, aren't they vetted? Unfortunately, not. They are selected in an almost informal process that each party undertakes at their state convention.

                                "Parties might want to ask for a little more background information, do a little bit of checking into people who would like to be members of the electoral college,” said Matthew Wilson, a political science professor at SMU.

                                He suggested that Suprun’s case might change things four years from now.

                                "I think in the future there will be a little more vetting and scrutiny given to prospective electors only because there's been so much discussion in this cycle of the possibility of faithless electors," continued Wilson.

                                If Suprun isn't working at the places on his résumé, whose uniform is he wearing at public appearances? Manassas Park, VA said it looks similar to theirs from 12 years ago but could not positively identify it.

                                Texas electors meet Monday in Austin. It's uncertain who will get Suprun's vote. But as Suprun questions Trump's credibility fellow first responders have doubts of their own about his.

                                Copyright 2016 WFAA
                                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

