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Secret World of US Election: Julian Assange talks to John Pilger

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  • Secret World of US Election: Julian Assange talks to John Pilger

    "Julian Assange has given one of his most incendiary interviews ever in a John Pilger Special, courtesy of Dartmouth Films, in which he summarizes what can be gleaned from the tens of thousands of Clinton emails released by WikiLeaks this year.:

    Now pay attention because it is far more subtle than american audiences would like. He is outlining actual treason. Funding and aiding an enemy of the state, by using the state department which arguably implicates Obama because it is his executive branch. South Korea is forcing President Park Geun-hye to flee for her life for similar accusations right now. Can we at least get a march going?

    Europe is going to be pissed. Anticipate anti US marches in Berlin, Paris and London. This is hard evidence that the US destabilized Africa in order to get Clinton elected. It would be damaging if it stopped there but it also shows how Clinton armed ISIS which further exacerbated the refugee crisis. The Refugee Crisis would be bad on its own if not for the fact that aiding an enemy of the state is actually truthfully treason, not this "treason" that we have been throwing around for months about shady primary elections or prospecting financial investments in Cuba, but actual Benedict Arnold arming ISIS treason. If you are a liberal ask yourself how you feel about Iran/Contra and if you want to be the one defending it for the next 40 years because this mass migration taking place in Europe is the biggest thing to happen there since WW2. The memory of this wound will not fade quickly, and if soccer has taught me anything, its that Europe is good at holding a grudge.

    This is bigger than if Trump had in fact shot someone on 5th avenue. This is 200 french concert goers getting murdered by ISIS with American weapons just so France could have a Patriot act of its very own. This is evidence that the TRILLIONS of dollars being spent on refugees in all of Europe is a bill to set at the feet of America. This is why Charlie Hebdo and Bataclan were attacked. This is how Brussels was bombed. This is why the the UK left the EU. This is why hundreds of women in Scandinavia and Germany are being raped and assaulted. This is why Turkey may leave NATO. This is why Russia may invade the rest of Ukraine. This is why Trump wants to build a fucking wall. Assange did not over-hype the ramifications of US involvement in Syria.

    Stop waiting for CNN to confirm how damaging this is. Remember Shepherd Smith talking about Hurricane Mathew? You dont need that. This is enough if you want it; you need to assemble and march and take your country. This is it. This is all you get. The revolution will not be televised. Nor will it be there to incite your passions. Stoke the fires of justice in yourself. You need to march on DC today. TODAY. IS SOUTH KOREA MORE PATRIOTIC THAN AMERICA!? THEN GET OUT THERE AND SHOW YOU LOVE YOUR COUNTRY FOR FUCKS SAKE!

    #marchonDC #JulianIsDead

    Its worth noting that nothing in this video suggests Assange is safe in the Embassy. Watch it again and you may see the edit where you dont see Pilger ask the question about the FBI investigation and Assange only makes a statement about the purpose of the FBI. Also Pilger makes a statement about the last week of the campaign and Assange never addresses that statement.
    Last edited by Strychnine; 11-05-2016, 01:31 PM.

  • #2
    That was a very good interview. So sad that we have to go to RT to get decent journalism.


    • #3
      Pair that with the call to arms from Anonymous and I'd say we're pretty damn close to a real SHTF scenario.
      I hope I'm close to home when that happens.

