Stock up on tin foil, folks...

Psyops Techniques:
False flags - staged events where the perpetrator is concealed and another party blamed.
•The James O'Keefe videos show Democrat operatives bragging on how they stage violent protests at Trump rallies, that they have a national network to cover all locations. The media are all in to blame Trump, paint him as an angry man who foments violence.
Shock and awe - the method of displaying overwhelming force or impressive technology to intimidate or demoralize an enemy.
•Think polls, political experts who tell us it's over, Hillary's leads are insurmountable, there's not enough time for Trump to "catch up."
•Includes name-calling, manipulated statistics, and other techniques. The media's favorite is the bandwagon effect. This tactic appeals to people's desire to be on the winning team ("voters abandoning Donald Trump in droves" and "Hillary's running away with the election").
This is the left's most insidious tool, based on deception and false information to make us doubt our own perceptions, our sanity.
•Media show Trump getting trounced while they withhold more current data. They dismiss as anecdotal (that's the new buzzword for meaningless) empirical evidence that points to a Trump landslide – yard signs, bumper stickers, massive crowds, and unprecedented enthusiasm. Their "experts" tell us the overflow cheering crowds mean nothing, don't "translate" to votes.
•And how many times must they tell us there is no voter fraud? Yet O'Keefe has a video with a Democrat operative explaining how to accomplish mass voter fraud, and there's mounting evidence to confirm voter fraud on a pandemic scale.

Psyops Techniques:
False flags - staged events where the perpetrator is concealed and another party blamed.
•The James O'Keefe videos show Democrat operatives bragging on how they stage violent protests at Trump rallies, that they have a national network to cover all locations. The media are all in to blame Trump, paint him as an angry man who foments violence.
Shock and awe - the method of displaying overwhelming force or impressive technology to intimidate or demoralize an enemy.
•Think polls, political experts who tell us it's over, Hillary's leads are insurmountable, there's not enough time for Trump to "catch up."
•Includes name-calling, manipulated statistics, and other techniques. The media's favorite is the bandwagon effect. This tactic appeals to people's desire to be on the winning team ("voters abandoning Donald Trump in droves" and "Hillary's running away with the election").
This is the left's most insidious tool, based on deception and false information to make us doubt our own perceptions, our sanity.
•Media show Trump getting trounced while they withhold more current data. They dismiss as anecdotal (that's the new buzzword for meaningless) empirical evidence that points to a Trump landslide – yard signs, bumper stickers, massive crowds, and unprecedented enthusiasm. Their "experts" tell us the overflow cheering crowds mean nothing, don't "translate" to votes.
•And how many times must they tell us there is no voter fraud? Yet O'Keefe has a video with a Democrat operative explaining how to accomplish mass voter fraud, and there's mounting evidence to confirm voter fraud on a pandemic scale.