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O'bammy mad at Senate

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  • O'bammy mad at Senate

    How dare they oppose their lord and master, and make him look bad to his bosses!
    "Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) was the sole vote to sustain Obama’s veto. Not a single Democrat came to the Senate floor before the vote to argue in favor of Obama’s position."
    Of course that treasonous weasel was the only one to vote for his master.
    "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."

  • #2
    That vote tally says a lot.


    • #3
      obammy needs to sic the First Wookie, Michelle, on them.


      • #4
        Originally posted by juiceweezl View Post
        That vote tally says a lot.
        I don't think they could go 97-1 on what day of the week it is.
        Originally posted by The King View Post
        obammy needs to sic the First Wookie, Michelle, on them.
        I hear (s)he can drop a man at 20 paces with "the uptown funk".
        "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


        • #5
          I'm afraid there will be some unintended consequences with this deal.

          Do Syrians get to sue America for all of the civilian deaths we've caused with air strikes?

          When are the American lawyers going to start knocking on doors in the ME looking for clients?


          • #6
            Originally posted by SBFORDTECH View Post
            When are the American lawyers going to start knocking on doors in the ME looking for clients?


            • #7
              Originally posted by SBFORDTECH View Post
              Do Syrians get to sue America for all of the civilian deaths we've caused with air strikes?
              Are you saying that collateral damage in a war zone is the same thing as aiding and abetting terrorists?
              When the government pays, the government controls.


              • #8
                Originally posted by SBFORDTECH View Post
                I'm afraid there will be some unintended consequences with this deal.

                Do Syrians get to sue America for all of the civilian deaths we've caused with air strikes?
                Doesn't get it.

                Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
                Are you saying that collateral damage in a war zone is the same thing as aiding and abetting terrorists?
                Gets it.


                • #9
                  Haven't really kept up with it, but from the article it looks as though its pretty much been decided that Saudi was responsible.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by juiceweezl View Post
                    Doesn't get it.

                    Gets it.
                    I in no way meant to imply that there are any parallels between what we are doing in Syria or have done in Libya, Egypt, Iraq, etc. But, Have we not armed "rebel" groups that ultimately used the same weapons against civilians? You can even look closer to home and ask if we have aided certain drug cartels and supplied weapons via fast and furious that we're used to terrorize and kill.

                    ISIS, AQ, Boko Haram, Taliban........ they are monsters to us, terrorists. We, Americans, are the same kind of monsters to them, their supporters, and many in the ME.

                    We should kill terrorists and their sponsors not try to litigate with them.

                    It's convenient that these bitch made elected officials grow a spine 5 weeks before a presidential election and over ride a "feel good" bill/Veto that's gonna "stick it" to the Saudis.
                    Last edited by SBFORDTECH; 09-29-2016, 05:55 AM.


                    • #11
                      In light of a bill passed by the US Congress allowing families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia, Iraqis have asked their parliament to demand compensation for the US invasion of Iraq.

                      After the US Congress passed the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), which overrides the principle of sovereign immunity to allow families of 9/11 victims to sue Saudi Arabia, an Iraqi group has requested parliament to prepare a lawsuit seeking compensation from the US for the invasion of Iraq.

                      The "Arab Project in Iraq" lobby group "sees their opportunity to ask for compensation from the United States over violations by the US forces following the US invasion that saw the toppling of late President Saddam Hussein in 2003," the Al-Arabiya news channel reported on Saturday.

