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Milwaukee Riots!

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  • Milwaukee Riots!

    The Milwaukee man whose shooting by police touched off riots Saturday night and prompted Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker to activate the National Guard on Sunday had previously been charged in a shooting and with intimidating a witness of that shooting.

    apparently another guy with a gun who probably didn't do what he asked got shot. so of course all the chiggers in town decide to burn down cars gas stations "Beat white peoples ass" etc. All this while chanting Black Power. Kinda KKK ish if you ask me. Anyways TRUMP 16 to restore Law and Order in this country

  • #2


    • #3
      rich people got all the money and wont give us none ????????
      freeloading parasites never worked a day in their life. fuck them . burn your shit down who cares.


      • #4
        Originally posted by QIK46 View Post

        apparently another guy with a gun who probably didn't do what he asked got shot. so of course all the chiggers in town decide to burn down cars gas stations "Beat white peoples ass" etc. All this while chanting Black Power. Kinda KKK ish if you ask me. Anyways TRUMP 16 to restore Law and Order in this country
        Exactly. Racism in full effect. Anyone claiming anything else is a liar.


        • #5
          the roof, the roof is

          Is on fire at six businessessssss
          Milwaukee, Wisconsin (CNN)The deadly shooting of an armed man by Milwaukee police stirred anger, fear and disbelief as authorities worked to restore calm after a night of violent protest.

          Protesters burned six businesses, including a gas station, and threw rocks at police, leaving four officers injured, seven police vehicles damaged and 17 people arrested.


          • #6


            • #7


              • #8


                • #9
                  I have to wonder, what would MLK think of today's young negroes.

                  Do today's young negroes even know or give a rat's ass about who Dr. King was and what he stood for?


                  • #10
                    Huge shock, it was a kid with a long criminal history that raised a gun to a cop. And the cop is black. The way the event was portrayed was a sham, and the riots did nothing to improve lives of black people. Maybe it's time for fresh voices and fresh ideas on how to improve lives in inner cities because what they have today is miserable and sad.
                    When the government pays, the government controls.


                    • #11
                      democratic run cities . what else could we expect .


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Magnus View Post
                        Is that a really big gun? Or a really small guy?


                        • #13
                          Hope and Change anybody?


                          • #14
                            The media is so biased. I didn't see anywhere in the article where the race of the perp or the officer was mentioned. Had it been a white cop...


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Stephen View Post
                              Is that a really big gun? Or a really small guy?
                              It's perspective.

                              Why is his wallet and phone on his shoulder?

                              Edit: 2 phones
                              DE OPPRESSO LIBER

