It passed again in the House. Wasn't there a promise of a "smaller federal government?"
As far as I can tell, this is a non-partisan website;
Am I missing something here?
As far as I can tell, this is a non-partisan website;
Less than a month after making a show of reading the US Constitution into the Congressional Record, the leaders of the Republican-controlled House of Representatives engineered a vote to extend the surveillance authorities that both the Bush and Obama administrations have used to conduct “roving surveillance” of communications, to collect and examine business records and to target individuals who are not tied to terrorist groups for surveillance.
While most Democrats opposed the extension of the surveillance authorities—rejecting aggressive lobbying by the Obama administration and its allies in the House GOP leadership—overwhelming Republican support won approval of the legislation on a 275-144 vote. Thus, the supposedly Constitution-obsessed House has endorsed a measure that is widely seen—not just by Democrats and progressives but by Republicans and conservatives—as a constant threat to privacy protections outlined in the document's Fourth Amendment.
More remarkable was the House vote on a motion offered by the Democrats, which sought to recommit the bill with instructions to add language ensuring that surveillances would only be conducted in compliance with the Constitution.
That motion lost on a 186-234 vote.
All 234 "no" votes came from Republicans, including two dozen members who minutes later would vote against extension of the surveillance authorities.
That motion lost on a 186-234 vote.
All 234 "no" votes came from Republicans, including two dozen members who minutes later would vote against extension of the surveillance authorities.
