BBC Suggests Calling Terrorists “Terrorists” is Politically Incorrect
Don't call them "Islamists" either because it might offend Islamists
If you thought that the insanity of political correctness had reached its peak, then think again.
Never mind Obama refusing to use the term “radical Islamic terrorism,” now the BBC has suggested that calling terrorists “terrorists” might be a bigoted thought crime.
A tweet sent out by BBC Scotland asks, “Do you think we should remove the word “Islamist” or “terrorist” from our newspapers or does it categorise the atrocities for what they are?”
Because referring to Islamists who carry out atrocities in the name of Islam as “Islamists” might offend Islamists.
Even worse, calling terrorists who carry out acts of terror “terrorists” might be Islamophobic.
“Paging Mr Orwell, the BBC needs you to slap some sense into them,” responded popular YouTuber Sargon of Akkad.
“No that would be absolutely stupid. Get a grip,” remarked another Twitter user.
“If you don’t name them, they’ll cease to exist, right?” added another.
It’s no surprise that this comes from the BBC, an organization that is so politically correct it actively discourages white people from applying for jobs in order to make itself more ‘ethnically diverse’.
However, the mere notion that the words “Islamist” and “terrorist” should be censored because they don’t accurately “categorise the atrocities for what they are,” is totally absurd and suggests that the BBC thinks some terrorist atrocities are actually justified and that terrorists shouldn’t be called the pejorative term “terrorist”.
Absolute unbridled insanity.