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Great speech by Trey Gowdy

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  • Great speech by Trey Gowdy

    Trey Gowdy gives a speech about trying to live up to your professed beliefs.

  • #2
    Great, we are all saved now that there is another golden tongued politician in DC.

    On a personal level I can not stand to hear that mans voice and his looks makes me want to give him a wedgie. He is also one of the few people in public life that can make a nice suit look like he has been sleeping in it for a few days.
    Last edited by svauto-erotic855; 07-18-2016, 12:59 PM.
    Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


    • #3
      i like how he grilled clinton and recently lynch.

      seems alright to me.


      • #4


        • #5
          like a boss:


          • #6
            Originally posted by 8mpg View Post
            like a boss:
            Pimp-shit! You could have heard a pin drop when he left.
            Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


            • #7
              American badass. I hope if Trump wins this is his attorney general.


              • #8
                Originally posted by KBScobravert View Post
                Pimp-shit! You could have heard a pin drop when he left.

                If the media and\or a decent percentage of the American people really gave a shit about it there is no way in hell even the Democrats would have had the nerve to put up Hillary as a candidate.

                As it is now, what difference does it make?

                It was a long time ago right?


                • #9
                  There is a reason why the political establishment and the media has become even more brazen than ever in the last year. There is evidence abound of countless criminal acts in every level of the federal government even extending to appointed bureaucracies. They have to be all in on this and push all the chips to the middle of the table. They have to keep one of their own in office. I do not like Trump but his thirst for vengeance threatens these folks. His potential appointments threaten their freedom outside of prison cells and for some.... a death sentence for treason. While most here will agree that the vast majority of our federal government is corrupt and lawless, I think most can also agree that there are still a few who are waiting in the shadows for someone to unleash them to take down those around them whom they have watched betray their country.

                  If the above isn't just wishful thinking, there will be hearings and investigations. Then indictments and arrests. Fear and panic will spread among the elite forcing resignations and suicides.

                  That's putting a lot of faith in a man like Donald Trump. He may be the one to burn the whole thing down so that , if the voters get it right in 2020, we can get this American experiment back on track.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by SBFORDTECH View Post
                    There is a reason why the political establishment and the media has become even more brazen than ever in the last year. There is evidence abound of countless criminal acts in every level of the federal government even extending to appointed bureaucracies. They have to be all in on this and push all the chips to the middle of the table. They have to keep one of their own in office. I do not like Trump but his thirst for vengeance threatens these folks. His potential appointments threaten their freedom outside of prison cells and for some.... a death sentence for treason. While most here will agree that the vast majority of our federal government is corrupt and lawless, I think most can also agree that there are still a few who are waiting in the shadows for someone to unleash them to take down those around them whom they have watched betray their country.

                    If the above isn't just wishful thinking, there will be hearings and investigations. Then indictments and arrests. Fear and panic will spread among the elite forcing resignations and suicides.

                    That's putting a lot of faith in a man like Donald Trump. He may be the one to burn the whole thing down so that , if the voters get it right in 2020, we can get this American experiment back on track.
                    I hope you are right about DT SBFord (if he wins).
                    I don't happen to agree with you about the man nor trust him any more than Hillary.
                    This is not news to anyone who have read my posts to the subject, so I'll be happy to eat crow if wrong.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Gargamel View Post
                      I hope you are right about DT SBFord (if he wins).
                      I don't happen to agree with you about the man nor trust him any more than Hillary.
                      This is not news to anyone who have read my posts to the subject, so I'll be happy to eat crow if wrong.
                      There's 16 tons of wishful thinking in that post. I'm just hoping and praying for the best.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by svauto-erotic855 View Post
                        Great, we are all saved now that there is another golden tongued politician in DC.

                        On a personal level I can not stand to hear that mans voice and his looks makes me want to give him a wedgie. He is also one of the few people in public life that can make a nice suit look like he has been sleeping in it for a few days.

                        I'll take him over any of the scumbag rinos that would be in his slot, any day.

