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Japan's top court has approved blanket surveillance of the country's Muslims

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  • #61
    Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
    So the only reason why you believe America is not a free society is because of longer prison sentences for lesser crimes? If that's the case, stop breaking the law, asshole.
    Did you even read the fucking articles?

    Here's a pretty picture you can look at, you dumb cunt.

    So do we just have more criminals per capita than every other country?


    • #62
      I don't need to read the article to understand your simple minded nonsense. Are you scared you'll be incarcerated for life after receiving a speeding ticket? Must be hell living in your over emotional, whiny, paranoid world. Get on a testosterone regimen FFS.


      • #63
        Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
        I don't need to read the article to understand your simple minded nonsense. Are you scared you'll be incarcerated for life after receiving a speeding ticket? Must be hell living in your over emotional, whiny, paranoid world. Get on a testosterone regimen FFS.
        Does it hurt being that fucking stupid? I hope you didn't reproduce with some dumb cunt and have dumb cunt children.


        • #64
          You link three articles that say the same thing. Only issue from you I see is fear. I would suggest you find a safe place and lick your vag clean.

          I see you over there in the corner:
          Last edited by SS Junk; 07-01-2016, 02:39 PM.


          • #65
            We are slowly turning into a police state.

            As the for profit corrections system grows and profits from incarcerating people they lobby for tougher sentences.

            The police unions lobby for more funding to pay themselves and they have to justify the increase in spending, even as crime drops, with tougher sentencing and more ridiculous laws. Keep in mind that solving serious crimes like, murders and rapes, are at the lowest rate since the 70s.

            And then you have agencies just trying to compete for the right to exist, from the TSA to enforcement arms of the IRS to ICE to the ATF.

            And now the supreme court has ruled that you can have your 2nd amendment rights revoked because of misdemeanor domestic disturbances.

            Oh and now they want to start using the 'no fly list' as some sort of litmus test to determine who can own a gun? Fuck that.

            And then there is being labeled a sex offender for life for taking a piss outside or something minor other than raping another person.

            And don't get me started on the war on drugs... Ugh

            There is the erosion of our basic inalienable rights as outlined by the BOR and the ever increasing rise in enforcement agencies powers and numbers.

            Fuck this police state shit. What happened to the land of the free.
            Last edited by Torinoman; 07-01-2016, 02:51 PM.
            1971 Ford Torino - Time to go bigger and better.

            2011 F150 Limited - Stock with a 6.2


            • #66
              Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
              You link three articles that say the same thing. Only issue from you I see is fear. I would suggest you find a safe place and lick your vag clean.

              I see you over there in the corner:
              Too bad your father didn't realize the mistake he made and had your ass aborted.

              You think you have enough balls to rectify his mistake?


              • #67
                There there. Don't be afraid of your own shadow now.


                • #68
                  Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                  There there. Don't be afraid of your own shadow now.
                  Your insults, they do nothing. How old are you?


                  • #69
                    He's as stubborn as he is retarded. You just have to. . .



                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Magnus View Post
                      He's as stubborn as he is retarded. You just have to. . .
                      Ehh, I'm bored at work. He can be my jester for a little while longer.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by Craizie View Post
                        Your insults, they do nothing. How old are you?
                        Not insults. Solid factual information. You speak out of complete fear. Just wondering, what are you going to do about these atrocities other than whine like a four-year-old girl?


                        • #72
                          Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                          Not insults. Solid factual information. You speak out of complete fear. Just wondering, what are you going to do about these atrocities other than whine like a four-year-old girl?
                          I have no idea how me saying we don't live in a free society equates me to being afraid of everything. Your logic computer seems to be a bit fucky.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by Craizie View Post
                            I have no idea how me saying we don't live in a free society equates me to being afraid of everything. Your logic computer seems to be a bit fucky.
                            I didn't say you were afraid of everything. What I did say is you are speaking out of absolute genuine fear. So again, what are you going to do about these tragic events you've linked other than be a whiny bitch?


                            • #74

                              You leave what was a cogent discussion for one minute.....


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by sc281 View Post

                                You leave what was a cogent discussion for one minute.....
                                Yea, when SS_Junk_Tugger has something he considers "factual" in his head, no amount of evidence to the contrary will make him see he is wrong, and he'll annoy you until the ends of time.

                                Sucks he shit on your thread, but oh well.

