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Domestic abuse = No guns

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Broncojohnny View Post
    Not yet. But the police and the feds can already steal your shit without convicting you of a crime so it isn't much of a leap for them to start stealing your guns after you are accused of domestic violence. All in the name of "safety" of course.
    I don't disagree.. I was just surprised to see this become a big story since, as I mentioned, it has been around in some form since the mid 90's. over 20 years later it's big news, but why wasn't it before?

    Now, the fact that the SCOTUS has made an official ruling on it, I get, but it's the outrage I am seeing that is so surprising considering this is nothing new.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Chili View Post
      I don't disagree.. I was just surprised to see this become a big story since, as I mentioned, it has been around in some form since the mid 90's. over 20 years later it's big news, but why wasn't it before?

      Now, the fact that the SCOTUS has made an official ruling on it, I get, but it's the outrage I am seeing that is so surprising considering this is nothing new.
      It's because of the SCOTUS sanctioning the stripping of constitutional rights based on a loosely related misdemeanor conviction. They broke the seal on Pandora's box.
      "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


      • #18
        Originally posted by Chili View Post
        I don't disagree.. I was just surprised to see this become a big story since, as I mentioned, it has been around in some form since the mid 90's. over 20 years later it's big news, but why wasn't it before?

        Now, the fact that the SCOTUS has made an official ruling on it, I get, but it's the outrage I am seeing that is so surprising considering this is nothing new.
        I feel the same way.


        • #19
          Originally posted by kingjason View Post
          The laws on domestic violence have not changed in the 15 years I have been doing this. Actually a couple of years ago in Texas it went from you shall arrest to whatever you need to do to prevent further family violence. So they lightened it up just a tad. Class C contact or threat is not even reported or tracked in most places. Only when you step up your game and do some damage to your life partner or kids.
          And yet, a man who calls the police due to a crazy girlfriend can still be convicted of DA.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Jimbo View Post
            And yet, a man who calls the police due to a crazy girlfriend can still be convicted of DA.
            I am a equal opportunity type of guy. Who ever makes the first contact goes to jail. I also almost always arrest in domestics. I will not be on the five o'clock news because I left someone there and then someone got stabbed, shot, or whatever an hour later. I am not saying it never happens, but I try to be very thorough when I investigate these. Very easy to trip up someone lying.

            I have tons of stories where the female has called and went to jail. One got popped pretty good by her husband. When I hand cuffed her she asked me why. I said because you hit him three times with the fishing pole and then pushed him. Her outstanding reply was "but he hit me harder" in a high pitched whine.
            Whos your Daddy?


            • #21
              First contact? Call or violence?

              I'm not sure what your point is, but I was present for the situation I mentioned. It didn't work out well for the guy who had a girlfriend go nuts in his house. Calling police to avoid legal problems got him arrested, a record, and probation while she camped out in a house that wasn't hers.
              I'm sure it has gone the other way, but that should have never happened, in my mind.

