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trump Oh-KKK

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  • Quoted from a friend.

    A message to my fellow Republicans, or to what’s left of us.

    To those of us who have not forgotten the concept of the loyal opposition and refuse to embrace the politics of bigotry and hate. For us who will not be driven by fear. Who will not be misled by showmanship, bright lights, bullying, and reality TV type social media propaganda. To us who still believe that those who hold the office of the Presidency must be decent, civil. We who know our government, institutions, political traditions, party leadership and the political parties themselves are not things to be overthrown, evaded, ignored, insulted, and laughed at. Who know compromise is not betrayal.

    We created the current situation, we failed and our party is most likely doomed because of it. That is what a Trump victory means for the party. I know many of you don’t understand this, but some of you do. A Trump victory seems almost certain and very soon we will be asked to fall in line and support the party nominee, as we have always done. I would like to believe that Trump can’t win a general election, but I am uncertain.

    Now that Hillary is the likely winner of the democrat party nominee

    I will not vote for Trump just because he is the Republican candidate and I will not sit out the election. At this point our best option is a general rebellion of GOP members refusing to vote for Trump. Perhaps we will be able to support a 3rd party candidate, thereby insuring he doesn’t win the Presidency. We are responsible for this con-man’s rise, and we must do everything in our power to stop him. We can survive another Democrat presidency.

    Rebel my fellow Republicans… Fight the rising tide, in the GOP, of the politics of fear.

    Rebel and hope for a better day.‪#‎nevertrump‬


    • well spoken!


      • Originally posted by Tremor14 View Post
        well spoken!
        on the real:

        do you think Hillary will make a good president?
        "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


        • your friend is a fucking rino . he and other idiots just like him are about to elect hillary .


          • a quote from an email i just recieved, lol.

            Dear Rodney,

            Donald Trump is all but certain to be the Republican presidential nominee this summer. And corporate sponsors like Coca-Cola are planning to fund his coronation at the Republican National Convention (RNC).

            Even with Trump refusing to disavow the support of the Ku Klux Klan this weekend and declaring “All Lives Matter” at a rally, Coca-Cola still has not canceled their sponsorship of the RNC.1 2 How can Coca-Cola, a company that heavily markets to and profits from Black people, fund a platform for a presidential nominee that is being bolstered into office by former Grand Wizard David Duke, the KKK, and other white supremacists?

            Coca-Cola is stuck pretending that their sponsorship won't provide a platform for Trump’s dehumanizing hate speech. But when corporate dollars are used to fund a platform for a demagogue who promotes a violently anti-Black message that company is just as culpable as the person shouting.

            Will you call on Coca-Cola and other sponsoring companies to end their sponsorships of a Trump-led convention?

            YES - I’ll demand Coca-Cola stop providing a platform for hate speech

            Coca-Cola, like many of the companies sponsoring the RNC, claims to be a champion of diversity and has run multi-million dollar marketing campaigns to convince the public of that claim.3 If Coca-Cola wants to maintain its image as a diverse and inclusive company then it can in no way fund a platform for Donald Trump.

            Trump’s violent political rhetoric has very real consequences for Black people.4 His use of violent rhetoric, racially charged imagery, and paranoid conspiracy theories dehumanizes Black Americans and encourages hate crimes, white terrorist attacks, and daily violence against Black Americans. It’s even inspiring a rise in membership for white supremacist groups and are causing a huge spike in the number of white terror militia groups.5 6 If Coca-Cola funds a Trump-led RNC, they will be funding all of Trump’s damaging messages.

            Demand Coca-Cola stop providing a platform for hate speech

            In a letter to ColorOfChange, Coca-Cola executives said they have a “civic responsibility” to support a Trump-led RNC to “encourage more Americans to participate in the political process.” If Coca-Cola truly believes in corporate civic responsibility, than funding a platform for an anti-democratic demagogue preaching violently anti-Black, anti-Latino, anti-Muslim, and anti-women bigotry should be the last thing they would ever want to sponsor.

            Coca-Cola and other RNC sponsors like Xerox, Adobe, Cisco, AT&T, and Google think their sponsorships are neutral - but they are not. These companies have a choice. They can either demonstrate real civic responsibility and stand against Donald Trump’s bigotry, or they can throw away their multi-million dollar diversity marketing campaigns.

            Will you demand these companies stand against Donald Trump?


            • Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder View Post
              on the real:

              do you think Hillary will make a good president?
              i think she is the most qualified candidate.


              • Bill Clinton is qualified, but not Hillary.


                • i guess you missed it fri when they asked him the question about duke. he stated clearly that he disavowed it.


                  • with one you will get the other (again.)


                    • Originally posted by Tremor14 View Post
                      i think she is the most qualified candidate.
                      what makes you think that?
                      "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                      • look, if you like obama, vote for trump.

                        Concluding his endorsement with an emphatic closing argument, Obama said, “If you love me, vote for Trump.”


                        • Satire, welcome to 4 hours ago naynay.


                          • Originally posted by Tremor14 View Post
                            i think she is the most qualified candidate.
                            Care to list her qualifications?
                            Originally posted by BradM
                            But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
                            Originally posted by Leah
                            In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


                            • LMAO!


                              • Originally posted by bcoop View Post
                                Care to list her qualifications?
                                nope, this far in the game, it's pretty apparent i am not alone.

