Luckily, Nick Searcy of Justified fame helps her out a bit.

This shows the true problem, and why we are always talking past each other.
The left sees government as an inherent good, and all of their ideas, theory and rationalizations flow from that.
"Government should have [Insert responsibility/authority for/over the people here], for the good of the people"
The right sees government as The Founders saw it. We see it for what it is, an inherent bad. A true evil, in all but its most limited forms - and all of our ideas, theory and rationalizations flow from that.
"Government should never have [Insert responsibility/authority for/over the people here], for the good of the people"
We will never see eye to eye. We will never convince them.
We look at 5000 years of history and evidence showing failure after failure after failure and the bloodbaths that follow them and say "not this time"
They look at the same 5000 years of history and evidence against them and say, with righteous earnestness "We'll get it right this time, when we are in control."

This shows the true problem, and why we are always talking past each other.
The left sees government as an inherent good, and all of their ideas, theory and rationalizations flow from that.
"Government should have [Insert responsibility/authority for/over the people here], for the good of the people"
The right sees government as The Founders saw it. We see it for what it is, an inherent bad. A true evil, in all but its most limited forms - and all of our ideas, theory and rationalizations flow from that.
"Government should never have [Insert responsibility/authority for/over the people here], for the good of the people"
We will never see eye to eye. We will never convince them.
We look at 5000 years of history and evidence showing failure after failure after failure and the bloodbaths that follow them and say "not this time"
They look at the same 5000 years of history and evidence against them and say, with righteous earnestness "We'll get it right this time, when we are in control."