"It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."
AUSTIN, Texas (KEYE) - A new billboard off interstate 35 is causing a lot of dispute among Austin's citizens.The advertisement hints undocumented immigrants should join the Arrangementfinders.com dating site to avoid deportation.The sign reads, Undocument
It's all about the psychology of the crowd man. Facts are irrfuckingrelevant to the libtards, hence the "tard." The doc in idiotocracy was addressing all libs.... Your shits all fucked up and tarded.
Many politicians have a skeleton in their closet. Hillary Clinton has a cemetery, with a sign reading “Waco.”
The 1993 Waco showdown began when federal authorities rushed the communal home of a religious group, killing six of them, and...