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Random POLITICAL picture of the day !

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    • Originally posted by sc281 View Post
      Our President just bitch-slapped NATO leaders, in front of NATO leaders.

      This motherfucker.....bout damn time someone had balls.


      • Originally posted by naynay View Post
        george bush was the problem.
        Partially correct. He did nothing to curb subsidies and welfare programs that enable people to be poor for generations. The majority of the responsibility falls on those who choose to not provide for themselves or their offspring and blame others for their own poor decisions.


        • Originally posted by SBFORDTECH View Post
          Partially correct. He did nothing to curb subsidies and welfare programs that enable people to be poor for generations. The majority of the responsibility falls on those who choose to not provide for themselves or their offspring and blame others for their own poor decisions.
          As is usually the case in this country. You can blame others for your situation only for so long, and for some that stage never ends. But if you want better you have to put in the effort and make it happen. Plenty of legal immigrants have arrived with less and within one generation have so much more and never ask for, nor received a handout.
          1965 Ford Falcon Pro-Touring Project
          TCI F/R Suspension, 3V-4.6 & TR3560, LT III Wheels

          Work In Progress


          • Originally posted by lowfast View Post
            As is usually the case in this country. You can blame others for your situation only for so long, and for some that stage never ends. But if you want better you have to put in the effort and make it happen. Plenty of legal immigrants have arrived with less and within one generation have so much more and never ask for, nor received a handout.
            I dont think that works how you think it works, but i dont have the time to go into detail on it right now. But to think anyone can come over here with 100 rupee's and own a corner deli in 3 months is beyond asinine.

            Discover government benefits that you may be eligible for and learn how to apply.
            THE BAD HOMBRE


            • KATIE HOPKINS: What planet are we on when our leaders allow deeply suspicious characters into Britain then expect us to swallow their lies that we will not give in to terror?


              • Originally posted by naynay View Post
                I dont think that works how you think it works, but i dont have the time to go into detail on it right now. But to think anyone can come over here with 100 rupee's and own a corner deli in 3 months is beyond asinine.

                I reread my post, just to be certain, and don't see where I said 3 months?

                Please enlighten us all on how people who have been in the US sucking off the government teat for generations have not had any opportunity, if they so chose, to make a better life for theirself. Maybe it starts with not fathering/mothering multiple kids with multiple partners, keep your overhead low and you would be amazed at what one can accomplish.

                I know how it works, my family immigrated only 3 generations ago with jack squat, and yet here we are, all doing pretty well and no one previously or currently on government assistance. In fact many fought for the country to protect the freedoms that I enjoy, and for that I am eternally grateful.
                1965 Ford Falcon Pro-Touring Project
                TCI F/R Suspension, 3V-4.6 & TR3560, LT III Wheels

                Work In Progress


                • Originally posted by naynay View Post
                  george bush was the problem.
                  He was also the problem in Flint, MI. So much so that obammy felt compelled to go there, give a empty speech, and leave.


                  • Dollar to a dime only one of us has stepped foot in flint, so watch out now.
                    THE BAD HOMBRE


                    • I have, among numerous other places in MI, WI, IL, and OH, and what is it to your happy ass?


                      • I hope Americans always encourage each other to stay off assistance. No one should have to have a shit life. Working makes life much much better. I wish the government would reform that shit. Food stamp recipients receive double what they should. There are no prerequisites for people to continue receiving benefits either, like there should be mandatory parenting classes, skills training, etc. Sux to be broke and dependent.


                        • you could only wish i would give you the attention.

                          THE BAD HOMBRE


                          • Find someone that looks at you like the President of Croatia looks at Trump


                            • I see people have addressed 'ol nay directly, both in reply to question and with direct questions, and he's yet dodged or sidestepped them, as usual.

                              I don't understand why people even attempt to communicate with him. He's just trolling everyone, like usual.


                              • We are just givers. Trying to help the village idiot.
                                1965 Ford Falcon Pro-Touring Project
                                TCI F/R Suspension, 3V-4.6 & TR3560, LT III Wheels

                                Work In Progress

