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Random POLITICAL picture of the day !
With regards to the woman in the hijab near the Westminster attack...
"An image has been making the rounds on social media ever since the terrorist attack in London. The image is of a woman, who based her attire is likely a Muslim, walking past one of the victims who is being attended to by several civilians. Most of the comments I have seen have been of a negative nature and directed at both the woman in the photo and about Muslims in general.
Anyone who has followed this page for any length of time knows I have absolutely no tolerance for radical Muslims, terrorists, or assholes in general. I have often commented how the "religion of peace" is so very often tied to terrorist attacks (like 99.9% of the time). From what I know about Islam, I am absolutely not a fan. BUT, that does not mean I think that all Muslims are bad. As I have pointed out before, I know and have worked with some very fine people who happen to be Muslims.
Up until now, I have avoided sharing the image, or commenting on it, because, just like every incident where a cop's actions are called into question based on a single photo or 3 seconds of crappy cell phone video, I wanted to wait until more information was available. Now we have some more information, and more images.
Sadly, the woman in the photo appears to have been wrongly smeared. The other photo of her, one in which a closeup of her face can be seen in this article, clearly shows a distraught, concerned look on her face. We still do not know the reason for her being distraught, but one can only assume that it is because of what just occurred.
Now, with all that said, just like every time I have defended the cops in the early stages of an officer involved shooting investigation, if further evidence comes out proving that her concerned look was due to some nefarious reason, I reserve the right to change my opinion on the matter.
Now, those of you that Facebook may well be familiar with "Deputy Matt". He is absolutely conservative. I am in total agreement with him on this issue. This woman has been treated completely unfairly."It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."