it's no fun if you guys cant actually have a conversation! there are 6 christian churches in my 4 square block, and 1 mosque. i just wondered what the ratio would be in germany.
His birthplace does not matter. According to everything I have heard or read his mother was a U.S. citizen when he was born, which makes him a U.S. citizen. His birthplace is irrelovent if one parent was a citizen. I think he was a shitty president, but jesus fucking christ he was qualified according to the Constitution, this is not a hard concept.
It doesn't matter? That he lied about his birthplace and provided a shitty forgery as proof? That he hid he and his wife's entire educational and legal pasts? That he ran up the debt over $10 trillion? That he is a product of a scheme to destroy the USA from within? That he encouraged terrorists and freeloaders that loathe the USA to come on over for free shit? That he Iran and ISIS to grow unchecked? That he allowed a US embassador to be executed and did nothing? That he destroyed Libya, Egypt, and undid any gains in Iraq or Afghanistan? That he demoralized our troops by forcing them to kowtow to Islam? That he openly embraced Islam, a religion that preaches death to America? That he encouraged rioting and looting when criminals got shot? That he encouraged people to kill cops? That he has helped turn our universities and young people into idiots that detest free speech and freedom?
It all mattered. Imagine if Trump trotted out a forged birth certificate like O did. Everything would be in flames. But no, thanks to thinking like yours, O still gets a free pass.