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Random POLITICAL picture of the day !

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  • "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


    • "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


      • .


        • He's not wearing it properly. He's likely to get serious stomach injuries. lol


          • Such a cute little girl and her magic.

            The Donald is a never-ending rally of patriots dedicated to the 45th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.


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              • this bear more civilized than large swaths of Portland


                • This alone displays what a POS pedojoe is.

                  I wish nothing but pain, misery and death on him, his family and anyone like him.

                  When does the cleansing of all unAmerican traitors like him begin? I'll be happy to volunteer to help the cause.


                  • starts nov 2022 . only way to end this is to out vote the bastards . state and city . although cesspools like dfw , austin. houston will always remain welfare cities .


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                      • Harrison talks with the founder of Forward Observer, Mike Shelby, about the purpose of intelligence. From analyzing your surroundings to what key indicators analysts look for to prepare for possible scenarios. Mike Shelby also shares a bit about his background and what he sees as the likely future for the United States.

                        Harrison talks with the founder of Forward Observer, Mike Shelby, about the purpose of intelligence. From analyzing your surroundings to what key indicators analysts look for to prepare for possible scenarios. Mike Shelby also shares a bit about his background and what he sees as the likely future for the United States.

                        and yet pedojo and others say that Antifa is just an idea. It looks more like a well funded (soros), govt supported (all 3 branches, congress, WH, SC, FBI, DOJ, etc), a lot deeper (support infrastructure) organization than what we see on the surface.

                        Our entire federal govt is all criminal now and cannot be trusted to follow the intent of the law in a equal manner.
                        Last edited by line-em-up; 05-05-2021, 08:50 AM.


                        • I've finally found my utopia.

                          I'll be seeing ya.


                          • ^^^^ If it is a city full of no one but coloreds who is going to work?
                            Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                            • Hammer City will definitely boost popcorn sales. Make that shit reality TV. My favorite posts about it on social media were locals in Colorado trying to explain water rights to them. Winter in the Rockies at 10,000 ft is no joke.


                              • That has got to be a massive troll site. That cannot possibly be real.

