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Random POLITICAL picture of the day !

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  • Haven't ever had a Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook account so no loss there. Been using a Protonmail account for e-mail for over a year to replace a Yahoo account I had been using for like twenty years, after they had a data breach and I started getting stupid amounts of spam in it. Amazon will be an inconvenient loss for sure, but like others here I be using alternatives going forward.


    • i'm guilty on amazon . i've saved a bunch on shipping heavy stuff on pallets but we decided no more . boycotts are about the only thing that we have. fucking rinos wont do anything . sports boycott is starting to take effect it seems . i'm down to 0 national sports . all i have left is street outlaws but the i never watched any games with a ball involved but my bride did .
      done with fb and trying to replace google and gmail .
      going to be an interesting couple of years as i dont think Trump will go away or forget . there's no mistaking that the republican party is the Trump party now .


      • In the wake of the violent insurrection at the U.S. Capitol by scores of President Trump’s supporters, a lone researcher began an effort to catalogue the


        • Parler's going to be the downfall for a lot of folks - some "hacktivists" are downloading/archiving everything that was posted on the "private" platform including scans of their gov't issued ID's lol.

          Recently shutdown social media app Parler is at the center of a yet another controversy, after allegations surfaced that the totality of its users' personal data was leaked in the wake of the network going offline.
          Last edited by lowthreeohz; 01-11-2021, 10:07 AM.


          • lol. They can kiss my ass.


            • Amazon has kicked my ass in some ways, still shopping but done in many ways. I paid the co-op almost triple on 80 chain to not get it from Amazon.

              Can't buy my feed at amazon for anywhere near co-op though.

              Anyone have something good to keep a 12yo gmail account that'll transfer it to a different email? I can switch most of it myself, but that's a day gone.


              • The value of all that Parler stuff is overblown. This whole "insurrection" thing is complete bullshit.

                The "insurrection" was so bad that they fired two Capitol PD officers today, one for wearing a MAGA hat at the protest and the other for posing for selfies with the "rioters". They already suspended the one that shot the woman. We can all predict where that is going. They aren't going to pin any medals on that dude's chest. "Congratulations Jim, you shot a 14 year Air Force veteran for climbing on a window frame." Oh boy.

                The longer this thing goes on, the more it seems like there were maybe 20 people starting shit. The rest were idiots following the herd. In any event, I have a dollar that says no more than 20 people will actually do any jail time over this and when they do, the term will be measured in days.

                The DoJ said on Friday that they aren't charging Trump. That is because there is no case, if you actually watch the clip of his speech he didn't incite anything. Read the articles of impeachment the Dems pulled out of their asses today, read what their idea is of the actual speech that incited this "insurrection". And then realize that speech they put in their article is the absolute best thing they got to work with. What a fucking joke. If they actually had a soundbite of him inciting anything, they'd be playing it on an infinite loop on every news channel. They got nothing. Their intention is to make a disorganized mob breaking into the capitol building into their own Reichstag fire. And yet, somehow through all of this, they are going to "unite the country". As though Republican voters are going to just realize, all of a sudden that the sloppiest drunk in Washington, Nancy Pelosi, has a point, Chuck Schumer isn't a feckless cunt and that Joe Biden is a great leader. These people are so far gone that they sit at home on Saturday night and sniff their own farts.
                Originally posted by racrguy
                What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                Originally posted by racrguy
                Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                • Doesn't matter, Harris and Biden and all their cronies are in charge now. They will be targeting everyone. This wont be a Kumbaya get shit done assembly now, it will be the revenge tour with the backing of Big Tech, Wall Street, Banks, and their street team Antifa.


                  • Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
                    Doesn't matter, Harris and Biden and all their cronies are in charge now. They will be targeting everyone. This wont be a Kumbaya get shit done assembly now, it will be the revenge tour with the backing of Big Tech, Wall Street, Banks, and their street team Antifa.
                    I fear you are correct


                    • This election cycle showed how weak, timid, and compliant the republicans are.

                      I can only hope we vote out every turkey-necked coward we can in the next cycle, because i do not predict 2024 going any better. Thats 4 more years of Texas turning blue, for example.

                      Certainly Abbot will be voted out by the very same people he has brought in during the 2022 cycle.


                      • How illegal would it be to require someone to have lived in a state for at least, say, 5 years before they can vote in anything other than a federal election.

                        That would stop a whole hell of a lot of the Californication.
                        G'Day Mate


                        • Originally posted by Grimpala View Post
                          How illegal would it be to require someone to have lived in a state for at least, say, 5 years before they can vote in anything other than a federal election.

                          That would stop a whole hell of a lot of the Californication.
                          You mean taxation without representation? That didn't work so well when the Brits did it...


                          • Originally posted by 32vfromhell View Post
                            This election cycle showed how weak, timid, and compliant the republicans are.

                            I can only hope we vote out every turkey-necked coward we can in the next cycle, because i do not predict 2024 going any better. Thats 4 more years of Texas turning blue, for example.

                            Certainly Abbot will be voted out by the very same people he has brought in during the 2022 cycle.
                            Democrats are going to give amnesty and citizenship to every illegal alien in the country; that is their top priority above and beyond gun control. The amnesty in 1986 is what made California flip blue in the next election cycle.
                            Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                            • Originally posted by juiceweezl View Post
                              You mean taxation without representation? That didn't work so well when the Brits did it...
                              Except the Settlers came here to escape oppression and were willing to fight to the death for freedom. 90% of Americans now don't have the same fortitude and will do whatever they are told as long as you don't take away their pacifiers.

