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Random POLITICAL picture of the day !

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  • Originally posted by TX_92_Notch View Post
    I'm laughing over here that you consider yourself a winner in this. You've said some of the dumbest shit ever posted on this site and that's a challenge, but you prove you're up to that challenge pretty much every day.

    The same guy that wants to hang every criminal in the town square also wants the criminals to get "first shot" against the cops.

    I won't entertain you any longer. Move along, boy.
    Pfft sure. Your first mistake is thinking that anyone ever "wins" anything around here. They don't. I won't bother to address how poor your reading comprehension is; it's best to just stop here. I have no business arguing with you, as you don't seem to understand what you read very well. I don't fault you for this, some people were born that way.

    Originally posted by juiceweezl View Post
    Did I miss something? I'm drawing a...wait for it...blank...
    I think you derped a bit there... Is he a cop?

    As for the "debates" is there really any point in watching them? It's a bit of a foregone conclusion
    If he is, it's news to me. I was only aware of 4 cops that were on this site, 3 of which are gone.


    • Comment

      • a few months ago i was talking about the dems plans to stall the election so congress could appoint the next president . well pelosi just made it clear that is the plan . if trump voters don't vote in person they will pull it off with mail in ballots . this is the kind of shit we heard about in the 60's .


        • Did anyone else pick up on these two gems by Biden?

          Rolling back Obamacare essentially takes away womens rights

          Covid 19 is a racist virus

          Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
          Originally posted by Leah
          Best balls I've had in my mouth in a while.


          • biden tried to keep the debate about healthcare and covid but trump was not having it . wallace set it up to protect biden but trump proved once again that he is the alfa .


            • Originally posted by bubbaearl View Post
              biden tried to keep the debate about healthcare and covid but trump was not having it . wallace set it up to protect biden but trump proved once again that he is the alfa .

              See what I did there? I am now the alpha at grammar!



              • CNN has published an article asserting that people need to accept that things are never “getting back to normal” and that mandatory coronavirus restrictions such as wearing face masks will become “permanent”.

                CNN Says We’re Never “Getting Back to Normal”
                Former Twitter CEO Dick Costolo has publicly called for people who disagree with him to be “lined up against the wall and shot.” Share this one.

                Former Twitter CEO Calls For Political Enemies to be “Lined Up Against The Wall and Shot”
                The New York Times has published an article admitting what we told you 8 months ago – that the World Health Organization’s directive at the start of the coronavirus pandemic that countries shouldn’t close their borders was a decision based on “politics,” not science.

                NY Times Admits WHO’s Decision Not to Close Borders at Start of Pandemic Was Based on “Politics,” Not Science

                A cornucopia of dystopia

                Last edited by line-em-up; 10-01-2020, 03:13 PM.


                • Originally posted by black2002ls View Post
                  Did anyone else pick up on these two gems by Biden?

                  Rolling back Obamacare essentially takes away womens rights

                  Covid 19 is a racist virus

                  Sent from my SM-G973U using Tapatalk
                  You have to get the far left wackos out to vote! I keep telling them no one wants to take away your right to kill unborn babies.


                  • Seen down around Waco....

                    Before. After.


                    • .


                      • .




                          • Originally posted by Fastback View Post
                            That’s Clooney.
                            Ronald Reagan:"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it."

                            Homer: "Bart...there's 2 things I know about women. Never give them nicknames like "jumbo" or "boxcar" and always keep makes you look like a business man."


                            • Originally posted by barronj View Post
                              That’s Clooney.
                              No shit? Lol. I can't see it that well on the phone...dying laughing here. I guess Clooney's with Epstein too. Lmao


                              • Originally posted by Fastback View Post
                                No shit? Lol. I can't see it that well on the phone...dying laughing here. I guess Clooney's with Epstein too. Lmao
                                Clooney is dirty too, just not the same degree. This was trending on Twitter and stories were linked to it that showed the same photos and it was clearly George Clooney and the stories linked to it.

                                Doesn’t change the fact that Chris Wallace has been a registered Democrat for 20 years, and held Biden’s hand through the debate.
                                Ronald Reagan:"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it."

                                Homer: "Bart...there's 2 things I know about women. Never give them nicknames like "jumbo" or "boxcar" and always keep makes you look like a business man."

