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Random POLITICAL picture of the day !
Originally posted by Grimpala View PostGetting closer to November, gotta have a way to back out of the COVID cover without being exposed, so the powers that be will let these treatments start to trickle out and not suppress them anymore.
Originally posted by kingjason View PostIt was public, I saw it last week and someone I worked with was talking about reading it this weekend.
Also curious the other day when I asked someone about a really old relative having Covid they were in contact with recently, she stated that "No the hospital was positive she got it while at the hospital", tested negative on entry with most likely a mortal condition and then now has it when probably not going to make it. Sketchy?
When TX re-opened day surgeries or elective, patients were and are made to take a covid test prior to their procedures. And this caused a lot of covid cases to become apparent, which also statistically read like a surge to the public. It wasn't like these people were SICK-sick, they were fine. We never would have heard about it. Now the govt has once again said no more elective surgery due to surge. The rationale for this is to save covid patients bed space. But elective surgeries have mostly NOT stopped. Instead, the lawyers have found a loop hole. If the day surgery place does not serve covid cases then there are "technically" no beds taken from covid patients.
Now Trump is saying send the kids back to school. I wonder what he knows that we don't know. (about the numbers)
The data the hospitals are given when working with the CDC has been erroneous, sketchy as hell, and constantly changing. But most problematic for me is how secretive they are about it. They are saying covid has mutated over 240 times now and so we should forget about a vaccine because any vaccine would likely only work for a day. Instead we should look more toward these awesome treatments. Just like we do with AIDS, which as you know, is what covid resembles.
After all I have seen and heard. Seems healthy people are pretty good UNLESS the viral load is high, as with the whistleblower Chinese doc.
Originally posted by line-em-up View PostI just now realized. Ellis County has been lumping the probable cases into the active total cases count for a while now.
Originally posted by AnthonyS View PostAll counties are and the probable numbers are BS. Watch the entire video above. It shows an actual Collin County meeting and explains how probable numbers are inflated. The judge even questions it, but the DHHS and press are running with it.
Originally posted by line-em-up View PostWhich video?
The graphic and explanations showing how one known case of Covid results in 16 more “probable” cases so 17 total reported is alarming to say the least. I could probably get struck by lightning or could probably die by murder hornet too. I don’t think it’s worth destroying The Constitution for though.
I just watched it. It confirms what people have been saying. No wonder the number of cases has been going up like they have.
Originally posted by AnthonyS View PostI know Alex Jones and infowars is an autoskip for a lot of folks. Click that link and watch. I’d love to know how he got video of a Collin Co closed door meeting, but he got it.
The graphic and explanations showing how one known case of Covid results in 16 more “probable” cases so 17 total reported is alarming to say the least. I could probably get struck by lightning or could probably die by murder hornet too. I don’t think it’s worth destroying The Constitution for though.
Originally posted by line-em-up View PostI just watched it. It confirms what people have been saying. No wonder the number of cases has been going up like they have.
This is a huge scam being played on Americans, and I cannot support that.