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Random POLITICAL picture of the day !

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  • He just mocks their asses. Never seen another potus do this kind of stuff. I'm sure its happened from time to time, but not while I've been around, and I doubt to this extent.


    • Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
      He just mocks their asses. Never seen another potus do this kind of stuff. I'm sure its happened from time to time, but not while I've been around, and I doubt to this extent.
      Grade A troll.


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        • Trumps tweets almost make me want to join twitter


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            • Its the prophecy! ^^^

              Anyway isn't booker the guy that tried to rape another guy in the bathroom there in DC? Grabbed his junk or somethin like that. Other guy was like WTF


              • Trump has a rally, and over 35k people show up to a venue that can hold 8k.

                Beto has a counter rally and 900 people show up.

                Trump puts the rally live on a jumbotron for the overflow crowd.



                • They just can't win


                  • Originally posted by sc281 View Post
                    Trump has a rally, and over 35k people show up to a venue that can hold 8k.

                    Beto has a counter rally and 900 people show up.

                    Trump puts the rally live on a jumbotron for the overflow crowd.

                    Yet the media presents it as a war of giant rallies with ZERO mention of the disparity in numbers...


                    • Originally posted by sc281 View Post
                      Trump has a rally, and over 35k people show up to a venue that can hold 8k.

                      Beto has a counter rally and 900 people show up.

                      Trump puts the rally live on a jumbotron for the overflow crowd.

                      "Fire Department spokesman Enrique Aguilar told the El Paso Times on Monday that Trump did not receive permission to exceed the limit and that there were 6,500 people inside the building during the president's rally. The coliseum holds about 6,500 people. There were thousands more watching Trump's speech on big screens outside the facility.

                      Aguilar added that "it might be 10,000 with the people outside," but said that the Fire Department didn't track the number of people outside of the coliseum, the El Paso Times reported."

                      "Estimates from O'Rourke's anti-border wall protest show that 7,000 to 8,000 people attended his rally."

                      Yes Trump had more people but don't buy 100% into Fox news and Trump's words. You know that man always tells the truth and never inflates things.


                      • 8k people on a ball field . really ? you believe that shit ?


                        • Originally posted by bubbaearl View Post
                          8k people on a ball field . really ? you believe that shit ?
                          Could be, looks like a ton of people. El Paso Police estimated 10k, I wasn't there but I don't believe less than 1k or whatever some people do. Just looking at the pics and numbers.

                          "El Paso police estimate a crowd of 10,000 to 15,000 for the anti-Trump, anti-wall, pro-O’Rourke march and rally tonight"
                          Both Beto and Trump's rallies had thousands of people attend today (despite some reports claiming Beto's only had 65.) See photos of both rallies today.


                          • Originally posted by Nate View Post
                            Could be, looks like a ton of people. El Paso Police estimated 10k, I wasn't there but I don't believe less than 1k or whatever some people do. Just looking at the pics and numbers.

                            "El Paso police estimate a crowd of 10,000 to 15,000 for the anti-Trump, anti-wall, pro-O’Rourke march and rally tonight"
                            If you think that picture posted on that twitter account is 10K people, there must be 5 million people in my neighborhood. It looked like close to 1/3 were media or staff. Not even close to 10K including them.


                            • Why would it be a surprise that Beto support\border opposition would be high in El Paso?

                              I'd be curious at the amount of money sent to Mexico from just El Paso is on a yearly basis....

