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Random POLITICAL picture of the day !
Congresswoman Ilhan Omar’s internet campaign director Ashely Fairbanks doesn’t want white people ruining her favorite restaurant
Ilhan is the congresswoman from Somali who almost certainly married her brother to defraud our immigration system
Share This StoryNewly uncovered evidence strongly supports claims that state Rep. Ilhan Omar may have married her brother. Since 2016, Alpha News has been following a trail of evidence that suggests Omar may have married her brother Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in order to aid Elmi in obtaining U.S. citizenship. The two were married in […]
Harris County Sheriff Ed Gonzalez and activist Shaun King continued pushing the theory that a white man murdered Jazmine Barnes, even after both had received a tip that the 7-year-old Houston girl’s killer was black.
And if that sketch looks eerily familiar:
The sketch of the man who supposedly "threatened" Stormy Daniels on behalf of Trump (that later was found out to be her ex husband)
Far left channels allowed to spread hate on Youtube were using Jasmine Barnes shooting to openly call for race-wars. "This animal this piece of trash this demonic mayonnaise monkey who got of his leash and murdered Jazmine Barnes and was trying to murder her family..." Well, that didn't age well.