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Random POLITICAL picture of the day !

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  • Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
    I generally don't like, and don't trust doctors. They've proven millions of times (via millions of unnecessary deaths and untold misery they've caused) that they're not worth the respect or the pay that they garner. Seems you get a few good ones here and there, they exist. But the vast majority shouldn't be doing the job they do. I'll be glad when automation replaces them for the most part, which is coming up inside the next decade. Thank goodness. Far less doctors and lawyers in the world means the world just became a notably better place. And a shit ton of savings so lots of stuff gets cheaper.

    I would have to exempt surgeons, and perhaps ER doctors from my disdain.
    wait you think dr's will be replaced within the next decade? with robots/computers? and you're exempting surgeons and er doctors? they dont make mistakes? a surgeon not doing a simple standard practice post-op check was the leading factor in my fathers death...
    Last edited by jewozzy; 12-12-2018, 08:44 AM.


    • Originally posted by jewozzy View Post
      wait you think dr's will be replaced within the next decade? with robots/computers? and you're exempting surgeons and er doctors? they dont make mistakes? a surgeon not doing a simple standard practice post-op check was the leading factor in my fathers death...
      With the direction we were taking, I believe his statement is correct for the most part. Like, I don't think ER, general surgery, and a lot of local doctors are the pill pushing problem. Probably some local doctors, pain clinics, behavioral health "doctors", etc. The problem is if they want it they can get it. Drop a few key words and off they go. Also word of mouth doctor shopping. Like, hey, if you go to this guy he will give you what you think you need with less questions.

      At first I thought, he's full of shit on the doctor replacement thing. However, I bet eventually, next 30 years or so you could see robotics performing surgery. Maybe not ER doctors though. You never know though. I am going to go look, I bet it had been tried already.
      Whos your Daddy?


      • Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
        I generally don't like, and don't trust doctors. They've proven millions of times (via millions of unnecessary deaths and untold misery they've caused) that they're not worth the respect or the pay that they garner. Seems you get a few good ones here and there, they exist. But the vast majority shouldn't be doing the job they do. I'll be glad when automation replaces them for the most part, which is coming up inside the next decade. Thank goodness. Far less doctors and lawyers in the world means the world just became a notably better place. And a shit ton of savings so lots of stuff gets cheaper.

        I would have to exempt surgeons, and perhaps ER doctors from my disdain.
        Ill bet you have that paragraph saved, and you just replaced the word cops with doctors.
        Whos your Daddy?


        • Originally posted by DieselSmoke View Post
          Not a child, but my wife committed suicide in June. Never saw it coming. Left me to raise our two boys, 7 and 5, on my own.
          Damn brotha, so sorry to hear. That is a hard loss, I hope yall are doing the best you can and please post up on here if you need anything.


          • Originally posted by DieselSmoke View Post
            Not a child, but my wife committed suicide in June. Never saw it coming. Left me to raise our two boys, 7 and 5, on my own.
            Damn man, give them boys extra love and keep your head up...
            Originally posted by Silverback
            Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.


            • Originally posted by kingjason View Post
              With the direction we were taking, I believe his statement is correct for the most part. Like, I don't think ER, general surgery, and a lot of local doctors are the pill pushing problem. Probably some local doctors, pain clinics, behavioral health "doctors", etc. The problem is if they want it they can get it. Drop a few key words and off they go. Also word of mouth doctor shopping. Like, hey, if you go to this guy he will give you what you think you need with less questions.

              At first I thought, he's full of shit on the doctor replacement thing. However, I bet eventually, next 30 years or so you could see robotics performing surgery. Maybe not ER doctors though. You never know though. I am going to go look, I bet it had been tried already.
              Obviously, pill mill doctors are trash and some doctors are in it for the cash and not because they truly want to help people. I don't need to explain the whole "few bad apples" in a profession scenario that Gasser64 is pushing. I personally don't see robots doing any kind of doctors work for any of our lifetimes but could be wrong.

              The thing that struck me though is the statement "I would have to exempt surgeons, and perhaps ER doctors from my disdain". ER doctors aren't the same type of doctor that is going to follow up with you in most cases and you will be one and done with them. They have to make a quick call based off of very limited information and I would bet in most scenarios (in regards to patients with more advanced or long term issues) are probably wrong in their diagnosis. Not because of fault of theirs, but because they just don't know enough about the patient. And surgeons being exempt?!? There are over 250,000 deaths a year due to medical error. I'm not saying these are all from surgeons but they are all due to mistakes made by hospitals.

              Ok rant off back to looking at the political pictures


              • I'm not a fan of doctors myself after almost marrying one.


                • Leftists want a star trek multculti utopia, but disregard the one thing that makes that utopia possible.


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                    • Hippity Hoppity, look at all these "refugees" on my property.


                      • "Who's pulling down wage rates? Illegals crossing the border." - Senator Chuck Schumer D-NY


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