CNN political analyst April Ryan believes CNN reporter Jim Acosta’s life was in danger at President Donald Trump’s Tuesday rally in Tampa, Florida. | Media
The only thing in danger when Acosta and Ryan are speaking are FACTS. This makes then the defacto enemy of the people. No ones going to harm them because by our laws they are allowed to be lying morons. If they don’t like the label, then start reporting more sides than just your warped libtard views.
Spain's Foreign Minister Josep Borrell denied Monday that the country was experiencing "mass" immigration and said Europe needed "new blood" to compensate for a low birth rate.
The only thing in danger when Acosta and Ryan are speaking are FACTS. This makes then the defacto enemy of the people. No ones going to harm them because by our laws they are allowed to be lying morons. If they don’t like the label, then start reporting more sides than just your warped libtard views.