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Originally posted by Craizie View PostAre they allowed to have pellet guns over there?
They also consider possession of any folding pocket knife over there to be a serious serious serious offense. A normal knife will get you 2 years in prison. Get caught with any gun and it's five to ten. Their prisons are also not the nice cushy places that ours are, if you did not grow up on the rough side of the road you will not survive a prison sentence over there.Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.
Originally posted by svauto-erotic855 View PostLegally they are called an air weapon and you have to have a license to own one, they are regulated the same way they regulate normal firearms.
They also consider possession of any folding pocket knife over there to be a serious serious serious offense. A normal knife will get you 2 years in prison. Get caught with any gun and it's five to ten. Their prisons are also not the nice cushy places that ours are, if you did not grow up on the rough side of the road you will not survive a prison sentence over there.
Originally posted by jewozzy View PostBased on my experience with riflescopes to the UK I don't think it is all that hard to get an air rifle over there. If I remember the only requirement is you have to be part of a "gun club" and once you're voted in you can get one.Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.
Originally posted by sc281 View PostFor me, there isn't a dividing line for race. There IS, however, a dividing line between sides.
One side is my people, of any color, who believe the individual is the smallest minorty - and also the fount of governmental power. That individualism is the most powerful force for good on earth and any government should exist as such solely to protect the rights of the individual and defend against foreign enemies.That matters of consequence (roads, bridges, governmental spending in genneral) aside from the two should be handled by their respective localities and states- as they are closer to the people that have the need and can more readily be held to account for their actions or inaction.
The other side is people, of any color, who believe the State is power unto itself, with the right to favor a person or sets of peoples (groups, corporations, etc) with advantages not available to others. That the government is a force for good and should exist to mold the individuals under its control for the betterment of the "collective good". That matters, large and small, are a matter for the Central Government to decide on and to act or not to act on.
Anyone who votes for anyone, be it a democrat or a republican or other Country's equivalents to obtain largesse from the public treasury or favor via law or regulation, or to transfer power from the individual, locality and state is my enemy. Based on histories past and those being written today, and the destruction wrought from those ideas - I would also submit they are the enemy of all mankind.