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  • Far-right pundits went off the deep end after African-American artist Kehinde Wiley's portrait of Barack Obama was unveiled.

    Another archived link talking about his other works and the sperm he put in them

    Greetings beautiful people Today we will take a look at the work of world renowned figurative artist, Kehinde Wiley.  I’ve written blogs in the past about his work, but this one will examine Wiley in a context, I feel is neglected from most other write ups. Kehinde Wiley has become famous from remixing classical works…


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      • Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
        They also should have made the girl do 5 years, and compensated the man for 5 years worth of earnings he missed out on. Just to be on the safe side, say $100k per year.
        Who should compensate him? Our tax dollars? Fuck that noise. The bitch that made the false accusations should pay, so sue her. If his attorney sucked and didn't do his job, sue him. Anyone involved from that perspective should pay, but not our tax dollars.


        • Thread by @TheLastRefuge2: "1. There's a reason why President Trump invited the cameras to stick around for a White House meeting on trade toon the media are not covering it. 2. Tuesday @realDonaldTrump invited media to keep their cameras on du […]" #MAGA


          • Originally posted by juiceweezl View Post
            Who should compensate him? Our tax dollars? Fuck that noise. The bitch that made the false accusations should pay, so sue her. If his attorney sucked and didn't do his job, sue him. Anyone involved from that perspective should pay, but not our tax dollars.
            Our tax dollars and the tax funded system is one that sent him away unjustly. If anything the police did a piss poor job investigating the case. Most people in criminal courts have a public defender who is at best just a rope to hang yourself with. The state should pay, prosecute the girl, and make her pay restitution for the rest of her life to the state to pay back what the state paid out to the man. Lies like this should have lifelong, devastating consequences.
            Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


            • Originally posted by svauto-erotic855 View Post
              Our tax dollars and the tax funded system is one that sent him away unjustly. If anything the police did a piss poor job investigating the case. Most people in criminal courts have a public defender who is at best just a rope to hang yourself with. The state should pay, prosecute the girl, and make her pay restitution for the rest of her life to the state to pay back what the state paid out to the man. Lies like this should have lifelong, devastating consequences.
              Now now there young man. So a girl roles in and says she got sexually assaulted. Girl goes down and get the exam, they say signs of vaginal whatever. Girl sticks to story, guy gets put in jail. The hard issue here in the police world is how far your line of questioning goes before you get your ass handed to you for victim shaming. You guys have no idea how many times this happens and we catch it. Mandatory polygraph would be nice, which sometimes those are not valid, but the majority that lied would probably be quick to say "uhhh I had sex". Fucking kids these days throw that shit out there left and right, then get caught, and oh shit, I was drunk, did not really consent, or whatever. There are a lot of legit cases also so you can't be jaded one way or the other. I actually listen for the weird minute details that would be hard to make up. There is just some shit, when a young girl tells you a story, that stand out as not really something you could make up. I would specify but it may weird some of y'all the fuck out.
              Whos your Daddy?


              • Originally posted by svauto-erotic855 View Post
                Our tax dollars and the tax funded system is one that sent him away unjustly. If anything the police did a piss poor job investigating the case. Most people in criminal courts have a public defender who is at best just a rope to hang yourself with. The state should pay, prosecute the girl, and make her pay restitution for the rest of her life to the state to pay back what the state paid out to the man. Lies like this should have lifelong, devastating consequences.
                It's a civil matter. The tax funded system didn't send him away unjustly -- a jury of his peers did. Yes, the charges were fraudulent. Go after that person and anyone affiliated with her. Make an example out of them, and watch how quickly things change.

                Originally posted by kingjason View Post
                Now now there young man. So a girl roles in and says she got sexually assaulted. Girl goes down and get the exam, they say signs of vaginal whatever. Girl sticks to story, guy gets put in jail. The hard issue here in the police world is how far your line of questioning goes before you get your ass handed to you for victim shaming. You guys have no idea how many times this happens and we catch it. Mandatory polygraph would be nice, which sometimes those are not valid, but the majority that lied would probably be quick to say "uhhh I had sex". Fucking kids these days throw that shit out there left and right, then get caught, and oh shit, I was drunk, did not really consent, or whatever. There are a lot of legit cases also so you can't be jaded one way or the other. I actually listen for the weird minute details that would be hard to make up. There is just some shit, when a young girl tells you a story, that stand out as not really something you could make up. I would specify but it may weird some of y'all the fuck out.


                • Originally posted by kingjason View Post
                  Now now there young man. So a girl roles in and says she got sexually assaulted. Girl goes down and get the exam, they say signs of vaginal whatever. Girl sticks to story, guy gets put in jail. The hard issue here in the police world is how far your line of questioning goes before you get your ass handed to you for victim shaming. You guys have no idea how many times this happens and we catch it. Mandatory polygraph would be nice, which sometimes those are not valid, but the majority that lied would probably be quick to say "uhhh I had sex". Fucking kids these days throw that shit out there left and right, then get caught, and oh shit, I was drunk, did not really consent, or whatever. There are a lot of legit cases also so you can't be jaded one way or the other. I actually listen for the weird minute details that would be hard to make up. There is just some shit, when a young girl tells you a story, that stand out as not really something you could make up. I would specify but it may weird some of y'all the fuck out.
                  Nothing you could say would weird me out but it may make me want to spend a few hours working on someone with a knife.

                  Originally posted by juiceweezl View Post
                  It's a civil matter. The tax funded system didn't send him away unjustly -- a jury of his peers did. Yes, the charges were fraudulent. Go after that person and anyone affiliated with her. Make an example out of them, and watch how quickly things change.
                  I agree that it is a civil matter and I would award the man 10 million bucks from the state/tax payers if I was on a civil jury. I would award him 10 million if he sued the girl also.

                  Edit: I doubt a jury sent the man to prison but I will research it once I get home. In all likelihood he was browbeaten into a plea deal by his public defender just like the other 98.6 percent of cases in state criminal courts nation wide.

                  Edit II: I couldn't wait, he was bullied into a plea.


                  Given what this man does for a living getting locked up probably cost him 50 million bucks.
                  Last edited by svauto-erotic855; 02-14-2018, 12:52 PM.
                  Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                  • Originally posted by juiceweezl View Post
                    Who should compensate him? Our tax dollars? Fuck that noise. The bitch that made the false accusations should pay, so sue her. If his attorney sucked and didn't do his job, sue him. Anyone involved from that perspective should pay, but not our tax dollars.
                    Originally posted by svauto-erotic855 View Post
                    Our tax dollars and the tax funded system is one that sent him away unjustly. If anything the police did a piss poor job investigating the case. Most people in criminal courts have a public defender who is at best just a rope to hang yourself with. The state should pay, prosecute the girl, and make her pay restitution for the rest of her life to the state to pay back what the state paid out to the man. Lies like this should have lifelong, devastating consequences.

                    I wouldn't be opposed to garnishing her wages until she pays off what he would have earned. Within reason, of course. Not too high, but definitely not peanuts either. She could do this from jail, perhaps being forced to work an 8 hour day mon-fri to produce some goods or service for which she would be paid, and then that money would be handed over directly to him. If her 5 years ended before he was repaid, simply ensure that her wages at whatever shitty job she went to, were also garnished until he was repaid the designated sum. And if she goes 1 month without a job, well then its back to prison where she'll go back to working to produce that good or service. I'd bet she'd opt to work the drive thru instead. But hey, its her choice.

                    We're far too lenient on these inmates anyway. I'm positive that some kind of nasty shock collar could be fitted around their necks, where a guard or two could manage them from a safe distance. The guard gets there early and sets up a wide perimeter for them to work in, and if the collar detects that its outside the perimeter, well its electricity time and it also sends a signal to the guard shack that collar #whatever has left the perimeter. In this way, they could do all manner of work, all over the U.S. They could work factories, farm land, whatever. It would be great. And I bet you they'd think real, real hard about committing another crime that could put them in that situation again.

                    I'd even be nice and let them read and be trained in certain skills (and get certificates or even degrees) they could use to get a job once their sentence was up. But by hook or by crook, they'd pay for their stay. So that the taxpayer didn't.


                    • They don't want to get anything fixed. They just the wedge issue to drum up support and campaign donations.


                      • Their pitiful minds managed to figure out it was a trap at the last second. Or they didn't, and figure that it must be one, after all the others they've charged into face first.


                        • .,..

                          Originally posted by sc281 View Post
                          Someone saw something.
                          Someone said something to the FBI
                          FBI DIDN'T DO SHIT.

                          No wonder we were hearing so early on that the FBI was present and wanting to take over the investigation.

                          Originally posted by sc281 View Post


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                              • He posted using his real name.....


                                HE POSTED USING HIS REAL NAME!

                                HE POSTED... USING ... HIS .... REAL... FUCKING... NAME!!!!

