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Originally posted by sc281 View Post“Quite the g*ddamn interview…”: Dr. Jordan Peterson faces off against female UK broadcaster
"What gives you the right to say that? Maybe that's how women want their relationships?"
“I'm a clinical psychologist”
Black people got fucked, hard, by Democrats in the 60's. Yet they've voted 90% Democrat since.
Black people also got fucked, hard, by Rino's who gave more of a shit about lowering employment costs at any societal price - as long as they didn't personally have to pay that price. (Think things like gated communities for both dems and repubs)
Perhaps that why did and do. When both parties in power are gonna fuck you, vote for the party that pays for the privilege.
FF to now:
Black people have still been getting fucked, and for the same reasons.
Except now there's a Trump and anti establishment Repubs offering a new way.
Trump's economy has given them the lowest Black unemployment - since they starting tracking black unemployment.
Trump is trying to get the illegal immigration and bullshit visa faucets turned off so those low wage jobs and higher paying trades (construction, trucking, landscaping, IT etc) are no longer artificially kept at lower wages because of the supply of cheap immigrant labor. The proposals for the one that are here are either deportation, or more likely, a combo of deportation for the ones that are violent, law breakers, and assimilation for those who are DACA - where the numbers given legal status are offset by reductions in legal immigration of the same amount going forward. I personally prefer this route. We need time to assimilate the millions that will be staying no matter the policy enacted.
This is and will be giving blacks (and everyone) in those trades and many others leg up, and hopefully enough breathing room to advance out of poverty - just as our society is intended to work.
This also helps the next generations of black children to find value in work and entrepreneurship because they will be paid according to the value of work produced. Also, perhaps, two parents instilling good morals, will also help instill the value of higher education and acquiring advanced skills - instead of the smart or ambitious kids being ridiculed for their intelligence and drive.
Democrats are VIOLENTLY opposed to this. Rino's are as well. Establishment repubs are wind socks, they blow whichever way the wind carries them. And a storm is coming...
Democrats, in word, have been promising to help black people for 52 years. They have instead, IN DEED, created a welfare state that incentivizes poor women of color to have children out of wedlock - contributing greatly to black children that have no fathers.
Rino's are democrats of a different stripe. Think John McCain and Lindsey Graham.Think Jeff Flake.
Look at the percentage of wed 2 parent black households before and after the civil rights act and the immigration act.
Look at them now.
How's that going?
Trump and many Republicans who are against the establishment have been helping, IN DEED, and are trying to help even more.
Dems tell blacks they are racists! Blacks, so far, believe every word of it.
Will they still vote 90% Democrat? Will they continue to vote against their own interests? Or will they start seeing the golden welfare checks and the curtailed liberties therein for the chains they really are? Chains forged by the Democrats with tacit consent by Rino's?
America First.
Americans First.
ALL Americans.
/rant. And it is ranty.Last edited by sc281; 01-18-2018, 09:24 AM. Reason: Edited to include Rino's, as their hand are not clean either.
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