President Trump just took his first medical exam, insisted on a neurological exam because of all the "muh 25th amendment Trump has Alzheimer's" line the media is throwing out.
Scores a 30 out of 30
The Obama appointed Admiral that is the White House Physician takes the podium during the daily press briefing and releases his findings and answers questions for about 30 minutes.
Media immediately attacks his credibility and refuse to believe it. Many "experts" go on TV to push the "medically unfit" narrative
My how things have changed since Dr Drew made an observation about Hillary's passing out and being thrown into a van like a side of beef on the 72 degree morning 9/11 anniversary.
Scores a 30 out of 30
The Obama appointed Admiral that is the White House Physician takes the podium during the daily press briefing and releases his findings and answers questions for about 30 minutes.
Media immediately attacks his credibility and refuse to believe it. Many "experts" go on TV to push the "medically unfit" narrative
My how things have changed since Dr Drew made an observation about Hillary's passing out and being thrown into a van like a side of beef on the 72 degree morning 9/11 anniversary.
