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I love when democrats propose gun control
Originally posted by TexasDevilDog View PostHalf of them are pro 2nd amendment. They just chew each other up. Everytime they run on gun control they lose.
"You gun lovers have allowed the criminals and the terroristic NRA to dictate gun policy in this country. Some of us have had enough. Your fetish is not more important than my life. Constitutionally enshrined confiscation and bans are the only viable solution"
This kind of thinking is far more dangerous than anyone lawfully carrying a gun would be. You only need to look at the history of the Weimar Republic to see what happens when guns are registered - confiscation soon follows and then the government is free to repress and persecute the now defenseless people.
If guns are ever confiscated I suspect that the people that supported gun confiscation would be the first in line to get persecuted by the government.
Originally posted by mikeb View Post"You gun lovers have allowed the criminals and the terroristic NRA to dictate gun policy in this country. Some of us have had enough. Your fetish is not more important than my life. Constitutionally enshrined confiscation and bans are the only viable solution"
Originally posted by GhostTX View PostRemember, their excuse why Chicago, Detroit or DC doesn't work is because the guns are imported to those locations from the gun-nut states. Don't try to explain how a national ban would work and with guns imported from other countries.
Because we won't let them institute full blown communism. Don't you realize that we're all just a bunch of somehow uneducated, backwards rednecks who work on farms and just sniff cow shit all day? There are no colleges here. There are no places of higher learning, and even if there were, certainly no one here would go to them. And socialism/communism/marxism has always worked out extremely well for all involved, and nobody would ever threaten anyone else if only we had such a system of government. Thus, we wouldn't need any guns. Duh.
Like love, peace, free shit, weed and other drugs would reign supreme. And it would all be free and nobody would ever come to harm ever again under any circumstance. Basically this would be heaven on earth.WH
Originally posted by Tremor14 View Postand weed is legal most places now, sooo..Originally posted by BradMBut, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.Originally posted by LeahIn other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.