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Trump is leaning towards becoming more politically correct...

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  • #16
    kill or be killed....that simple. It will come down to this....and every single person reading this knows it will. That or we will put a leader in place than will execute this plan with our military.


    • #17
      i got mine. you better get yours.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Tremor14 View Post
        i got mine. you better get yours.
        I'm good


        • #19
          I live my life a 1/4 mile at a time.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Tremor14 View Post
            I live my life a 1/4 mile at a time.
            Getting to work in the morning must be a real bitch for you.
            Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


            • #21
              Originally posted by Tremor14 View Post
              I live my life a 1/4 mile at a time.
              Well you are the Tyrese of the board lol.


              • #22
                just read these, svo wins. LOL


                • #23
                  Originally posted by svo855 View Post
                  Getting to work in the morning must be a real bitch for you.
                  Work? He supposedly has a job but trust me, he has never worked.
                  Originally posted by racrguy
                  What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                  Originally posted by racrguy
                  Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.


                  • #24
                    anyone else have that retarded cousin that you still gotta be nice to cause his brother and sister are still cool as hell? im not nice to that retarded cousin. fuck you allan.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Torinoman View Post
                      Institute the draft. Go to full WW2 economy. Nation wide internment camps. Ally with Russia and go total war across the the middle east and north Africa. Sterilize any couple with one or more children. Ugh... I feel dirty just thinking something like that.
                      Ah, yes. Welcome to the fold. We always love to have new members! As for the interment camps though, they never get out. They just get deported, and a permanent ban is placed on all Muslim immigrants. We will look into releasing the ban in 50 years, but make no guarantees.

                      Originally posted by ram57ta View Post
                      kill or be killed....that simple. It will come down to this....and every single person reading this knows it will. That or we will put a leader in place than will execute this plan with our military.
                      The only reason any of them are still alive in this country, is cause the government will come after you if you... ahem... 'remove' them from our lands. Otherwise its extremely unlikely any muslim would be here, at this point. Maybe pre 911, but not now.


                      • #26
                        Am I reading most of this right? Y'all actually agree with Trump on this Muslim banning?
                        "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


                        • #27
                          yes, lol. they do!


                          • #28
                            Jesus fucking christ. Some of you motherfuckers need to read a fucking book or something...


                            • #29
                              Mixing true muslums into our society is like mixing oil and water. Just look what they are doing to Europe. Why should we put our country through that.


                              • #30
                                during what period in history did Muslims live in peace with any other religion ?

